
Ok, that's fair. However, given the level of vitriol of most internet comments boards, do you think it really makes that much difference to say "I think that's a bad album" vs "that's a bad album"? Look at the comment where the writer accuses the author of having "her head up her ass." That's pretty much the norm, no?

No, the thesis is that a once-great band put out a really bad album, which is absolutely true. I don't think she's being a dick at all.

Well, Mr. Smiles, here's my take: This is an excellent write-up full of great descriptions, and All Shook Down is a crap album. I don't say that because it's not Let It Be or Tim — I say that because it's lifeless and I couldn't hum half of the songs on it if a gun was pointed at my temple. That album is, BY FAR, the

I just watched this movie the other day — it's overly plotted by half, but man, parts of it really hold up. Roy Scheider was an interesting looking dude, huh?

Ehhh, I was fine with it. People like that do exist. The movie was strong enough elsewhere that it didn't bother me.

I loved Cliffhangers — they cancelled it right after the penultimate episode, thereby even denying us resolution of the cliffs that needed to be hung. Dicks.

My god, this guy is so effin' cool.

I think the Mats' version is one of the best pop songs of the past 10 years. Oh, this album came out when? 198…

I have to say "straight Porky Piggin' it" made me chuckle for about five minutes.

I'll give the guy one thing — he gets the best performances out of his leads. James Woods, Cruise, even effin' Costner, have rarely been better than under him. Fuck, Charlie Sheen was really good!

I'll give the guy one thing — he gets the best performances out of his leads. James Woods, Cruise, even effin' Costner, have rarely been better than under him. Fuck, Charlie Sheen was really good!

Go away, dummy.

You seem fun.

Jeff Lynne? Awesome! I love producers who ruin music with over-tracked guitar and crappily filtered drums!

She got abso robbed of that Oscar for her work in The Fabulous Baker Boys. Love that movie. Overlooked little gem.

Was anyone else annoyed at how often Marah kept saying, "That's so Midwestern!" I found it patronizing and irritating — "Oh, that's so cute! You like your lil' hometown! That's an attitude unlike anywhere else in the country!"

Yeah, but you live in Missoula. That's one of the best places anywhere.

I was going to say Michelle Pfeiffer is underrated, but is she? Maybe she's properly rated. She's been phenomenal in some things, including the criminally unheralded Fabulous Baker Boys. (She should have won the Oscar for that — instead it went to Jessica "ohhh, I'm old! Give me the Oscar! [dies]" Tandy.) She was also

I really dug his last album, and I didn't mind that he was biting other people's style. But I feel like it was too wink-wink/nudge-nudge. He's got solid chops, but this new album seems a little soulless. I'm surprised people are saying he's joyless live — his appearance on Darryl's House was definitely solid.

His best work ever is the voiceover from the videogame "Manhunt." God damn, that game was fucking awesome.