
Yeah, so Sanders has perhaps the largest proportion of PoC voter support out of any 2020 candidate, but sure, go ahead and erase them because they don’t share your centrist positions

Literally one of the biggest stories of the 2018 midterms was AoC, who went out to campaign with Sanders, who will most likely endorse

This isn’t supposed to be the new bronco; this is just a crossover that “some call the baby bronco.” Keep the faith.

Just riffing off her own characterization.

The sign is quite possibly the worst example from the original article. Here’s one with a (much) more apparent difference:

My boss never emails if it’s more than about 6 words he needs to say to me, so I don’t have it in text but recently he’s been blaming a lot of stuff on me. The company is about to go under and I get that he’s frustrated and desperate, but yelling at me for not doing something you forgot to tell me to do isn’t doing a

I hate Lady Reagan. She lied to me. She told me dealers would be coming up to me offering free drugs all the time. But I always had to find them and pay. Liar.

Now playing

Drones are sooo boring. Much better to fly the “real” thing ( as far as RC goes )

Ugh. I seriously hate this fucking guy. And what drives me nuts is that there are STILL people who believe the bullshit that comes out of his mouth. The biggest thing Dr. Oz has done is let me know which of my friends on facebook are goddamn idiots.

Love this knife, picked mine up during the holiday sale at Big 5 for a little under $30, great value for the price.

I have this in my collection. IT. IS . AWESOME.

I only carry KA-Bar and Kershaw. All the Kershaw knives I have owned proved to be great knives. They are made in the US, hold up to heavy use, and retain an edge well. They are the only company Id trust the assisted opening feature. Great knives all around and don’t cost a fortune like some. Id trust my Ka-Bar more in

I have the same one and is a frontrunner in my EDC rotation. Excellent knife.

I have this knife in my pocket right now. It’s a gem and a workhorse.

+1. I’ve carried this bad boy for a few years now. It’s awesome, it was a bit too heavy at first, compared to the last knife I owned, but now I don’t think I could change. AND...they come in blackwash finish now! haha

I bought one of these because the clip may be placed on either side or either direction. As a leftie, this is a must.

Another +1, this knife is literally in my pocket right now. I disassembled mine last week to give it a thorough cleaning and oiling and it feels like new again. Gets used daily. Great little blade.

Have this knife too, totally agree, love it!

I’ve got 2 of them, one stays in my glove compartment and the other comes camping with me

I love this and my other Kershaw