
I actually don’t even have a Twitter account, and I only have a Facebook because I’ve had it for a very long time (my college was in, I think, the second wave of schools that were able to join Facebook) and don’t see any particular reason to delete it.

Trigger warnings and microaggressions may be the currency of the far left, but that’s very quickly becoming the mainstream of the Democrat party. Unfortunately for you, Trump showed what can be done when you stand up to the crybullies. He gave his voters hope that the world hasn’t gone crazy.

The good kind, right?

You have to realize that the average college student was somewhere between 10 and 14 when Obama was first elected. They’ve grown up never knowing what it’s like to be forced to see an opinion that is counter to their own. Sure the Democrats have lost Congress since then, but they’ve always had Obama assuring them that

Headline a successful Ghostbusters movie?