Scentless Apprentice

This. Isn’t. About. You.

This whole thread of yours sounds like some MRA bullshit diversion. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. But they *are* apples and oranges.

Literally nobody here is disagreeing with the point that circumcising babies’ penises is problematic at best, since babies are incapable of giving consent. What people are disagreeing with is your insistence that there is no difference between circumcising a penis and “FGM,” a term that includes clitoridectomy, not

To be fair, it’s more like apples and bananas, but I agree with you.

People have been coming at me my entire life.

I do not believe Rebel Girl is tranfolx at this point.

“Some boys lose there entire penis to circumcision”

Honestly, you just read as thirsty for validation. You’re asserting something that is at best highly debatable (“The foreskin on my penis was removed when I was a child but because I identify as female that makes me a victim of FGM”) just so you can accuse people who disagree of denying your womanhood and call them

I’m looking.

I wish I was surprised that one of the first comments on a FGM article was about the damage done to penises, but I’m not.

No, a cis woman came in and sprayed her privilege all over this article and made it about how right she is to view FGM as being far worse than all other genital mutilation.

Look at you assuming who is cis! Be against circumcision by all means but it is not the same as removing the clitoris to prevent sexual pleasure. To be comparable it would mean removing the penis or testes in boys so they don’t become big old sluts when they grow up. /s

Lots of cases of FGM are less damaging? Bullshit. You’re a hateful person, seek help.

No, a cis woman came in and sprayed her privilege all over this article [...] “Cutting of parts of dicks is totally cool guys”. [...] But she wanted second wave brownie points, so here we are. Yay.

*FGM stupid autocorrect

This is a pretty young person, I am almost certain. She is well-intentioned, but also kind of myopic, I think.

The conversation about removing the foreskin is indeed an important one, but this is a conversation about mutilation of the vulva, clitoris, and labia, for the purposes of inhibiting a person’s sexual desire and agency. Removing the foreskin of the penis is not about preventing penis-havers from feeling or seeking

I think you need more information before you rush to compare the two. Did the girls have their clitoral hood removed, OK, maybe you can compare. Did those girls have their clitoris removed? That’s the equivalent of cutting off a man’s penis. I understand you were mutilated, but the comparison could be potentially

Nobody is saying to ignore those other fights. They’re saying that by bringing them up when we are clearly talking about FGM, you’re distracting from a very important discussion. This is like a classical definition of sidetracking.