
This is why I'm a lesbian with good taste

She did get a new PR team around when she married Kanye!

I like her too. Her Mom programmed those kids to be famewhores and millions of someones - Lord knows who they are - watch and buy because of the K’s. Kim is a very beautiful woman - I don’t judge women by how they get there be it gene or scalpel driven. She appears to be a hands on Mom. She isn’t running around doing

Did she get a new PR rep? I used to hate her irrationally and lately, she’s growing on me. Accrediting it to personal growth (hers or mine) is too big of a stretch for my hateful, cynical persona.

Good job, Kim’s new PR rep. You get two thumbs up (and possibly an existence)!

If my brother would have done that I would have literally got up grabbed the microphone from him and hit him. He would have never made it to the fucking proposal and probably would have had to leave in an ambulance.

You know. If I really hated the bride of my son. That shit would be funny.

Apparently your aunt’s MIL is Sophia Petrillo.

Christ, that’s bad. My aunt’s MIL wore head to toe BLACK (with a lace face cover on her hat) and told everyone that she was in mourning for her only son throughout the wedding. That was fun!

I was married on a Saturday, flew across the country for my honeymoon on the following Monday. My dad, his fiance, my siblings, and my dad’s siblings all rented a vacation house on an island in our homestate for the rest of the week - fun for them, fun for me. Wednesday night my dad called me to inform me that on

Old Navy’s Diva cut - I’m a size 20, and their non-plus 20 is the BEST.


these low-rise jeans demand confidence, strategy—and let’s be honest, some crunches

... Ringtones don't have trust funds, dummy.

The last time, things got pretty tense.

Trade with whom? This is absurd. We do not trade prisoners who have been tried in federal courts by a jury with anyone. This would be a travesty of our entire justice system. Military tribunals are a totally different kettle of fish; and the majority of prisoners in Guantanamo from every source are likely innocent,

I keep trying, but I just can’t imagine being on a jury and participating in a decision that directly leads to someone’s death. How can anyone make a decision like that? It makes my head spin.

Being sent to Terre Haute to live out his final days is salt in the wound.

I’m super sad about this. I’m from MA, and I know that my state is overwhelmingly against the death penalty, and even overwhelmingly against the death penalty for Tsarnaev, specifically. We should not be in the business of executing people. I don’t believe that counts as justice.

I’m at this point where I don’t care what happens to this guy, but I feel like a life penalty, locked up and isolated until he dies naturally, thinking about all the things he didn’t get to do, is a much bigger and appropriate punishment.

Just FYI on the before pictures - they are RAW image files (large files meant to preserve the maximum amount of visual information possible) which always look greyish and dull before processing. The photographer deliberately lights and shoots in a way that gives the post processor the maximum possible creative leeway