Tesla recently added a feature to its Model S allowing users to summon their car like an obedient dog, and now the…
Tesla recently added a feature to its Model S allowing users to summon their car like an obedient dog, and now the…
Nobody cares about your high school.
Which, I don't think your last point is a bad thing. The more ways owners can monetize their investment in soccer as a whole, the more likely it is that they'll stay invested in it and other people will be attracted to it.
@battman_returns you got 8 followers bruh your own family don't even want to know what you doin! Get better at life!
I don't think you know what Social Anxiety Disorder is.
I'm just here so I won't get unionized.
I'm just commenting here so I don't get fined.
Well, hope you don't ever complain about your job and do everything to the letter, because you are rich compared to the 2.7 billion people who survive on less than $2 per day.
Welker: [becomes concerned that the Seahawks will, in turn, target him after his multiple concussions]
It was Brett Favre. Brett Favre fucked the footballs, and they lost air. With his tiny penis.
Here's a great article that breaks down the number of plays to fumbles ratio between all NFL teams for 2015. The Patriots were either setting a new standard or were aided by under inflated footballs.
I, for one, hope this asshole feels the full brunt of the league's disciplinary process and gets himself suspended for like two weeks.
The technical legal term for trying to defraud someone out of $4,600 when you've earned $80 million in your career is "gilding the Lilly."
Probably the most devastating use of the belt since Adrian Peterson.