
Agree with everything, but the gamegear was actually a slightly modified Master System. Infact, the games could be played on either system with an adapter... just a slightly different color palette and res.

I think it’s less that everyone spent like 30 minutes on BC, and more like a small population spent hours on BC. Personally I’m about 15 hours into assassin’s Creed rogue, and spent 3 months playing all 3 mass effects at the start of the year. I certainly use it, and know of many who do too. I just think many Xbox

Man there’s enough salt in that article to keep NYC roads clear next winter...

Let me preface by saying that I truly believe that there issues of pandering and hand holding when it comes to some groups of people who get offended by everything, and I also believe that there is some unethical bullshit that happens in the gaming media. That’s where I stand, and that’s as far as I would ever take

Okay, I probably don’t have every terminal under my belt, but my 100% play through on Xbox one clocked in at 465hours and I also did a grid search of every possible location for secrets and items. I certainly saw a few terminals with odd behaviours. Some had weird looping segments when activating certain options, but

There’s another method. Start the Madison field hospital mission on hard or challenging, get to boss. Shoot Only the boss before he drops down. If he dies while up top, it’ll spawn a clone from under Neath him. Kill this one, gather loot and wipe and the boss will have respawned. Boss is much easier to snipe than the

Are you kidding? Your telling me that you go to the police, make a statement in the hopes that your alleged rapist will be charged and eventually go to court, and you didn’t realize your statement would be used in said course?

Stardew Valley had amazing marketing! It just wasn’t traditional. For the first 3 days after launch the game kept getting to the front page of Reddit with posts like “this Indy game was made by one guy” or “this tiny game does harvest moon right” posts non stop. It was a handful of fans that really spread word of

That is just a beta issue and won’t be in the final game. They were abusing the beta zone boundry. The real game will have no such boundry so don’t worry about it.

There’s no point man... These people would throw their own kids under the bus if Jezebel told then their child was a woman hater... The zombie-esque lack of critical thought from jezzie commentators shouldn’t surprise you... Jezebel says it was must be cold hard fact...

So every final fantasy, most MMOs, and like every other traditional “rpg”... Good to know...