
That would actually be pretty impressive for a two year old. Mine just sticks crayons in her mouth.

I have a 60" TV. HBO Go on my laptop looked great, but hooking up my laptop and watching it on my TV just looked lousy.

I am worried about that too. I have streamed HBO Go on my Macbook hooked up to my TV via HDMI and it looks awful. I wish HBO would just offer everything on their OnDemand channel. Then I wouldn't even have to mess with HBO Go.

That's it, only anal sex for now on for me. I'd rather get some mud on my helmet then deal with a baby. AM-I-RIGHT-BRAH?!?!

Haha, oops. That was a typo on my part. A normal weight range for 6'4" is 152 to 205 pounds. A 100 pound weight range would have made the BMI scale even crazier than it already is.

EXACTLY! i just that in a previous post. You want the clothes to feel looser, who cares about the weight? If you look better and feel better, then the weight shouldn't (and doesn't ) matter.

Wow, I can't imagine a 5'10" person weighing 129....male or female.

I watched back to back episodes of Hoarders last week and then this week I took Wednesday off so I could clean out my basement which has been getting a little crazy. It obviously wasn't at a hoarders level in my basement, but still, it starts somewhere.....right??!!

I don't get it. I have seen them show previews of an updated UI for a few years now and yet we are still stuck with the old UI.

Well, they weren't until you mentioned it here!!

I understand that argument, but for me, everyone I know uses Apple products. My wife travels a lot for work. When she is on the West Coast, she can pull out her iPhone or iPad while she is working and say good night to my daughters (ages 2 and 4) via FaceTime over my MacBook Air. For some people, like me, it is

It is common to give code name to developing products in most industries. My company does it too and I am in the medical device industry. For while, many of our products were codenamed after wine vintages. It is weird working on a heart device called Chardonnay. After the marketing people get a hold of it, it

"This comment coming to you all the way from Japan!"

Have you tried the workout modes in Dance Central 2? They get you sweating big time. I do those on days when I can't get to the gym and I just want to get some cardio in.

Haha, exactly. I am eagerly awaiting the study that says that sitting on the couch and pounding beers is good for you.

Guys, I can't decide between the Ryjkledoörp or the Scügleslacpjk

I think the bigger problem is that you guys are spending over 100 hours on one game.

Haha, that is so true. I have never know a person who didn't watch TV or didn't own a TV to just keep it to themselves. They shout it with pride, like the just cured cancer or something.

Same here. To be sure there is something satisfying with thinking nothing is on, flipping through the channels and then being sucked into something incredibly random.

"Why, this iOS calendar issue is the worst thing ever," -overheard on the streets of Darfur