
haha, thanks Ivan, that is probably true. Try explaining that to my 4 year old daughter though when she is playing as cookie monster and then the kinect suddenly hands the controls over to the two year old watching on the sidelines!

LordDisco, I agree 100% As a parent of a four year old who wants to see the new Chipmunks movie, I welcome a chance to watch Up over and over again.

You almost sound apologetic for liking Wall-E. It is incredible film making, well done science fiction and even admirable social commentary. In otherwards, flat out awesome.

Okay, I'm a father of two little girls (ages 4 and 2) and I will be getting this game no matter how shitty it ends up being. That is just how it is folks.

For the money of the TV, you can just hire the porn actors to come over your house and fuck.

Yes, I know that is true. Shocktop Belgian White is one of my favorites and they make it in cans and I know it doesn't effect the flavor because cans are coated anyway......but......

You sir, are awesome.

Canned beer? What are we, animals?! (or poor highschoolers?)

Yes, definitely. That nail looks so nicely manicured.

@ MooseOfDoom23

So what you are saying is that I can finally use BOTH hands when FAPing to online porn?!?!

Okay, so I'm not the only one. I was getting nervous there for a second.

Well shit.....that's dark.

Same here man. I buy my points either at Amazon or anywhere they may be on sale. I do the same for iTunes after somebody got a hold of my account and went on a shopping spree.

Am I the only one that thinks pro-gaming is pretty fucking stupid? I can't be.

Good point. Etymotic makes incredible headphones (the best in my opinion), but that doesn't mean they would make good speakers if they ever chose to do it down the line. The same could be said for Polk.

Step #2: Bulletbroof head

Clearly you aren't a CEO. It all makes sense if you think about it, you see, um....then there OVER THERE, AN OWL!!

Skyrim is always waiting for me on a cold winter night. Well, so is my wife....but really, it is all about Skyrim.

Thanks, you made it easy for me. I was going to post something, but you phrased your comment so perfectly that I can just sit back and relax! I mean really, you are 100% spot on.