Bourbon Barrel Aged Soul

AV Club has been pushing this story with nothing but vague details for months.  It must be a breeze to write one of these articles when you don’t have to get the details right

So you deemed the show dumb by not going to see it in person and also not streaming it? I don’t know if that’s how it works

I felt that way until I heard this new release.  Its hands down one of their best

I actually use this and it works really well

What does it matter? Say LucasFilm rigorously plotted this out on a white board from day one, it sounded like their intention was to have Leia always be central and Carrie Fisher passed away. So no matter what, this trilogy was always going to be told organically and not strictly plotted.

Uber/Lyft suck but man, I am going to miss them when they are gone and I have to go back to trying to drunkenly get a cab and then find out their credit card machine is broke or that they keep passing my street

There is none. He hasn’t said anything disparaging in interviews and on Twitter has only shut down some obnoxious trolling. Anything he has said in regards to “manbabies” was in relation to the time when Kelly Marie Tran felt she had to quit Instagram.

I showed this pic to my kids and they thought it looked cool. Shame it didn’t nail down the 25 year old male demo though when making an acceptable fish puppet 

Squats really can do a number on you. The amazing thing is they bother you less and less as you do them. I used to be 80 pounds heavier and believe me, they sucked in the beginning

I feel like most people IRL seem to either like it or if they didn’t, are rational about it and kind find things to praise. I have yet to meet anyone IRL that shoots out constant vitriol like anonymous posters do and fingers crossed I never do

I don’t disagree with any of this but I always question articles that focus on random tweets by random people. I mean you can go on Twitter and find people saying stupid shit all the time on absolutely any topic

Wasn’t the whole idea behind being an Uber driver to make some side money and not ever view it as a fulltime gig? Whats the issue here?

Isnt the bare minimum done with most documentaries? I see them usually in a few theaters nationwide and then suddenly they are played non stop on like National Geo, PBS, CNN

Absolutely true. One of my BFFs is a SAG member and come awards time, he sees all new releases via screeners (all come in different methods, some with low security he sends my way, like his online password to watch “the Favourite”). I’m lucky enough to live in the Boston area and have access to art house theaters. A

Per IMDB, she has 5 min and 15 sec screen time in the film. That quite a small amount to create endless YouTube analysis videos over her character

Neither True Grit or Inside Llewyn Davis did it for you, huh? Llewyn Davis may be my favorite film of theirs. Or at least top 3

This here seems to be the general takeaway no matter whenever these articles are posted.

I work in the pharmaceutical industry and have been part of similar work environments leading up to approval and roll out of a new drug. I’m not excusing anything, just saying that this is common in many industries as you lead up to a product launch

I actually work in Pharmacovigilance and have a career in collecting and reporting adverse events. When you have a clinical study, no matter the phase, you have a carefully selected patient population and can evaluate this population under strict guidelines. There are data management groups collecting data, clinical

My brother opted out of this and they brought him to another line where he showed his photo ID (which was just looked at and not entered into a computer or anything) and they sent him on through. We only waited 1-2 minutes for him too, so it doesn’t add much to your park entrance time