That video alone cost well in excess of 1.0-mil.
That video alone cost well in excess of 1.0-mil.
That was great. Never knew she was so quirky awesome.
Note the motorcycle right on his tail at the end of the clip.
Well you’re missing out, because now they go after our special needs president on a weekly basis.
Lefty here. I use the mouse in my left hand, but the buttons (“left click”/”right click”) are the same as on a standard mouse.
And in French it’s “gauche.”
She’s also NBC’s Katy Tur’s parent.
Another great example of “Self-Own Just to Piss Off the Libtards.”
This is the kind of repartee we come for.
It’s kind of sad reading all this. In the world of Ultimate Frisbee (we call our co-ed divisions “Mixed”), gender equity is a priority from the top of the sport on down. With Ultimate right on the doorstep of making it into the Olympics (probably 2024 or 2028), the powers that be are really pushing to showcase Mixed…
There was a thing about this on that old show Spin City. The character played by Richard Kind had a guy he always passed in the hallway and they would say “Hey” to each other. He called him his “Hey Guy.” Eventually MJFox started saying “hey” to the “Hey Guy” and the “Hey Guy” stopped saying “Hey” to Richard Kind.…
Bob Wilson can’t write PERIOD.
Agreed, and to turn your point on its head, the true conspiracy actually resides “deep” within the Republican Party/FOX News, where bald-faced lies are told openly and with such frequency that they obscure the truth from the incredulous and wash it away completely for the credulous.
Jesus Built My Hotrod — Ministry
The best way — THE BEST WAY — for a guy in his 40s or 50s to break a hip or a wrist or a couple of ribs or, heaven forbid, a coccyx, is to take up skateboarding. When I see these dumbbells (and I’m 55 and skated as a kid mind you!) on their motorized skateboards my first thought is always, “Wait until you’ve gotta…
Ted Lieu has been ON FIRE for years now.
Spoiler alert! [You’re not wrong.]
Those tweets from congressional Democrats are just that: fucking TWEETS. Expect the epic rollover to come post haste. I am so sick of this shit. They should have done something about it when McConnell wrought his coup de tat against Obama on the Garland nomination. Even when we win we lose. I’ll say it right here,…
She seems nice.