The Hornet

He’s a professional broadcaster (of some renown). He ought to know the man’s name. And for hearing “Tarkington” has always been like hearing some say “supposably.” Nails on a chalkboard annoying.

I am more put off by the Fran “Tarkington” reference.

He did come out of that scrum with the ball.

Gal Gadot’s next project!

Was stopped at a light one time and the car in front of me (a little red convertible with a blonde girl at the wheel) had a bumper sticker that said “Honk if you love Jesus.” I gave my horn a little toot...and she turned around and flipped me off.

Wrong. Somebody threw shit at him as he was walking off. That’s what triggered it. Then somebody threw something (water bottle or Gatorade bottle?) that appeared to hit him right in the face and that’s when he really went off.

Yep. Did you happen to see the little customized slogan that cop had on his gun?

Dalessandro’s is the best. Roxborough, 600 Wendover.

False. Fire season in SoCal used to be September and October. Fire events of this magnitude in December are a fairly new phenomenon.

These Trump zoom-ins that you do occasionally are profoundly disturbing.


“It’s a photo of the same man that pressured her into rehearsing a kiss, while they were alone, after her repeated refusals, and then stuck his tongue down her throat. He ignored her refusals and continued to sexualize her while she was unconscious.”

This is a good point. You put it that way and it really makes you

“Hi Dan, thanks for taking my call. 5-2, 460.” Ding!

How many people even listen to his stupid “podcast?” Do you think the typical FOX viewer has any idea what a podcast is, let alone how to listen to one? They all still have flip-phones and Commodore 64s.

And still Colin Kaepernick remains unsigned.

What was particularly hilarious about it was the way he kept shaking off the catcher and running through the signs and just not letting Contreras call the game. After the second conference at the mound I remember thinking how the catchers on that team must think Lackey’s a complete asshole.
So Lackey practically tells

He filmed it himself! Which makes it all the more unfuckingbelievable.

Nice rant! Somebody make this happen!

These reactions are patently ridiculous. I work in an office environment where I supervise a crew of 13, including eight women. I meet individually, in my office, with each member of my team once a week. It’s a regular status meeting, one that can last five minutes or an hour, depending solely on the issues of the

Loving his tap-dancing in the box.