The Hornet

Prolly just me, but I’ve always thought Tirico is just boring as shit. He’s not bad enough to hate on like Chris Berman or Joe Morgan, he’s just a mediocre voice. His “championship calls” lack any charisma whatsoever. There’s no “Do you believe in miracles?” or “I don’t believe what I just saw” in his highlight reel,

Shjon Podein.

One time I wrote a letter into the LA Times sports page lauding the Kings’ longtime play-by-play man Bob Miller on the event of his 30th (perhaps 35th?) anniversary. Part of my take was to thank him for teaching listeners about hockey, but also helping them get a handle on so many unpronounceable names,

Rickett Road at Mission Ave., Green Oak Twsp, MI.

There is no fucking sidewalk.

This is such a fantastic read.

I tried using Old Spice High Endurance a few years ago and, sure enough, after a few days I noticed my pits were itchy and a bit irritated.

The Oblivians

The one phrase that has always stuck in my mind from during this whole crazy case is “plaintive wail.” That how one witness described the sound he heard when he was walking through the neighborhood some short time after the murders.

The “plaintive wail” was coming from Nicole Simpson’s dog.

From down here is SoCal, I seem to remember initial assessments suggested she was a formidable addition to the McCain campaign. I recall watching the convention speech with my Mom and we both were left feeling bewildered, like “Holy shit, what the hell was that? We’re screwed. Are we screwed?”

This is where she jumped

Did this coward cry like a little baby again?

I made a similar promise to myself for this year. Set the bar at 10 books (so if I get to 12 I will feel like I really accomplished something).

Agreed, a Sam Elliott comparison is far too kind for that POS.

I read somewhere yesterday that the Mormon church released a statement and explicitly disavowed any connection to these morans.

I keep mine hung by the door in case I need somethin’ stronger than a shillelagh for intruder ass-kickin’.

I always thought it was funny that Mick Jagger — long one of the men the song was suspected to be about — actually sings the backup vocals. He can clearly be heard belting out the chorus: “You’re so prob’ly think this song is about you!”

Your composition and literature class never taught you about paragraphs and periods?

I like the second one better because: 1) he’s in his own end zone performing the magic! and 2) he actually turns his back on the entire field (rushers, blockers and receivers) as he makes his elusive escape.

I remember watching that play live last night and thinking, “If that’s Alex Smith in that situation it’s a

The Brooklyn/LA Dodgers played the Yogi Berra Yankees in the World Series five times. Vin Scully called all five of them.

Astonishing indeed.

Yep. She gets full goddess GOAT status from the people who should know.

Good riddance to Ruin Tomorrow Jr.

Small world. I was a member of the first Black Tide team in 1985 and then played Condors from ‘85-’95.