The Hornet

Why would God help Russell Wilson's team win a[n ultimately] pointless football game, but let that little kid Russell Wilson visited in the hospital earlier in the week die of cancer?

This has all the makings of a guy who got too hammered at the bar and fell face-first on the concrete outside. Does he have any other wounds besides those on his nose and forehead? Because those are classic "passed out and went down hard" injuries.

For perspective, my ballpark representation of El Capitan in relation to the World Trade Center Towers (El Cap = 3000ft / WTC = 1368ft):

Can somebody remind me how much the players get paid at this school?

You Googled her too.


Weird, Bill's sock puppet didn't respond to this one.

Cool sock puppet, Billo!

7-and-9?!? Good luck, sez this 'Skins fan.

It's like Samer says, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I bear the film no malice, and fully understand it is an accepted classic.

I've caught snippets on TNT, but then a commercial comes along and off to surfing I go....

My haven't seen list includes E.T., Titanic and Shawshank.

Love "Dumb and Dumber." It was my dear old Dad's all-time favorite movie.

I went to [Catholic] high-school with Kyle Toucher, lead guitar player for the seminal Nardcore punk band Dr. Know. He shredded a version of the Star Spangled Banner at one of our pep rallies. The school was not amused (but we sure were).

Rob Deer and Adam Dunn did it decidedly many fewer times than most.

I find it interesting that in this very World Series there was an instance in an earlier game the demonstrated exactly when it would be appropriate for a runner to slide into first (he did — feet first, and was safe).

How sweaty were those keys?

I think if you read Timmy's lips he says, "He botched it."

Perhaps Marysville will find itself ready to play by next week — as part of the healing process even — so it's a positive gesture in that regard.

"This is what happens in the NRA's America." FTFY.

Byron Scott is a dead man walking, just like Kurt Rambis was the last time things were looking this bleak in Lakerland. Their MO appears to be: bring in Showtime legend to appease the fans while we suck for two or three years, then fire the legend, revamp the team, win more games...repeat.