The Hornet

One time years ago we had a blind taste-test beer contest, probably 12 or 15 bottled beers. All were wrapped in aluminum foil so you couldn't tell what you were drinking. Heineken finished dead fucking last, rated only slightly worse than Beck's. Both were at the bottom of the list by a wide margin and both received

And the Cards didn't keep Pujols, did they?

San Luis, CA beats the fucking hell out of Saint Louis, MO — and we ain't even got a baseball team.


Hmmmm....and to think this all started because Roger Goodell originally suspended Ray Rice a mere two weeks for his transgression.

You should read the Malcolm Gladwell story on ketchup. A fascinating tale of Heinz dominance.

If you're left-handed this is the most worthless tool in the drawer. I don't know if they even sell left-handed can openers.

Gah! "Consolation" is what I meant to say! Pretty lame when I get it wrong while try to correct someone else. D'oh!

Love this kind of musical history lesson.

And to think you didn't even get into the origin of the name "10cc."

I always thought he says "Everybody's high on consternation." I never looked up the lyrics, but it seems to make more sense in the context. That song is truly awesome though.

John McEnroe was heard to exclaim, "You cannot be serious!"

I concur wholeheartedly on this take. Was back in Philly last summer for a family reunion (our side of the clan has lived in SoCal for years now) and all the uncles and cousins are ga-ga for Yingling (sic). Hello? I tried a couple early on, but it got to where I couldn't even choke one down. That crap sucks.


When I was in college we had a number that was one digit off from Domino's pizza. We got calls all the time and would, more often than not, simply take the order and then call a different pizza joint and re-order the pizza.

One time we got a tearful call from a woman who was on her honeymoon and had gotten into an

Maybe there's a prison up there? There's definitely not much else.

I had Hank Bauer's brother as a teacher in high school (Santa Clara HS, Oxnard, CA). We called him "Mr. Bauer." Couldn't tell you his first name. He was a football coach who taught typing (how's that for a stereotype?). I was a smartaleck pencil-necked geek. One time Mr. Bauer told me he was going to "pop your

He could write a check for a billion dollars....or he could dump a bucket of ice water on his head.

I cannot wait for you to get to the 'Skins.

But NFL teams won't draft a kid who doesn't play in the NCAA, and that kid has little chance of becoming an NFL quality prospect without college football. The NCAA is the equivalent of baseball's minor leagues.

A couple weeks ago, the Dodgers were playing the Cards. I was out driving around and I had the game on the car radio (remember you can't watch the Dodgers on TV). Adam Wainwright was on the mound for St. Louis. Vinny proceeded to tell the story of Jonathon Wainwright, the American general who was captured by the

There's more than weed in a cocoa puff amigo.