That's Jim Cramer of CNBC in the front row there.
That's Jim Cramer of CNBC in the front row there.
In fact, Philadelphia is the only city with six D-1 teams within the city limits.
I could only come up with five, and two of them are hugely controversial: Bonds*, Clemens*, Glavine, Maddux and Morris. I'll give it to Bonds and Clemens because both were clearly 1st balloters even before they turned into monstrous freaks of nature for the last 5-7 years of their careers. I'd vote for Pete Rose*…
He will never learn. Never. Ever.
I like how the initial chart lists all the teams by nickname...except for "Washington."
If you've ever been to Cooperstown you know the museum component of the facility, detailing the history of the game, is twice as large as the hall where the plaques are displayed. [They've even got a whole lot about Pete Rose in there!]
Not necessarily true. We've had two people here in my office in the past 5 years who've had liver transplants. Neither was alcohol related. [Both are doing well, knock on wood.]
Prolly more accurate to call that a smug shot.
See next tweet: "We just thought/assumed we would be taken care of after we were done."
As LA Times legend Jim Murray once said: "St. Louis is a city loved by millions...of flies." No one took down an opponent's city like Murray. All others are mere posers. I wish I could find the whole thing (maybe someone at Deadspin can research it).
Actually heard some blowhard in a bar over the weekend droning on about how "Redskins is actually a name meant to honor the Indians" and "most Indians don't even give a shit" and "blahblahblah." Then, as if to back up his point, he actually said, "It's not like naming your team the 'Beaners.' Could you imagine if…
Will wait to hear back from you when he does. I'll bet NBC makes a point of using a "Costas Essay" to address that very issue.
Tell me that color man doesn't sound like one of Michael Palin's characters on Monty Python. Classic mouth-o'-marbles working class Brit!
87 hugs. I counted. Nice work Buckeyes.
87 hugs. I counted. Nice work Buckeyes.
I like how he nods his head before making the call too, as in "Oh yeah, nice play."
Oops. You said no spoilers, but I noticed you were on Season 3.
[Potential spoiler alert]: The episode when Walt watched Jane die blew my mind. The whole story arc in which Walt meets and makes acquaintances with Jane's father, who is an air traffic controller, who becomes so distraught and distracted after Jane ODs (which Walt watched happen and didn't stop) that he screws up at…
They've got the hottest cheerleaders in college sports, and not one of them appears in this video.
I would assume that's because all the players thought the game was over but their coach was screaming at them from the sideline that the ball was still live and one of them should pick it up and start running.