Steve Casner

My grandfather taught me a lot about risk, but he never had the opportunity to watch TV while driving his 1962 Chevy pickup truck. In fact, it took two strong guys to lift a TV into the back of that truck. Of course, there was also nowhere to plug it in. Today, these kinds of opportunities for risk surround us. How

Terrific interview and I’m linking it all over. I love the clarinet interruption during the interview (and that you left it in the edits). I’ve been telling that story.

Thank you, and, greatest user name ever. (Zombies are thoroughly covered in chapter 12).

Thanks for joining the conversation, Don. The bizarre distortions in our thinking about risk is something I talk about a lot in my book. Parents live in fear of kidnappers, germs, and jungle gyms. And while these are favorite topics for political rants, the numbers tell us that these are not the reasons why kids get

I found us a kitchen knife skills class. We are required to wear closed-toed shoes.