
Most telling part of the Us statement that Jaime definitely made was about how he could hypothetically be exploiting her for “millions,” but isn’t.  Classic abuser argument.  I’m not doing ::insert even worse things:: so there’s nothing wrong with my behavior.

Despite all his rage, he is still holding cats on this page.

I never noticed those dead eyes of his before. Yikes.

Ken Jennings was never going to be a permanent host. Some brain-dead, out of touch executive who has probably never watched jeopardy, made the decision to run him for a trial. Not even Alex Trebek liked him, let alone the audience.

So, Ken Jennings has effectively removed himself from consideration as permanent Jeopardy host, right?


Is it safe? Is it SAFE?

Ah, the “some of my best breakfasts were black” defense

He was the last true conservative who adhered to the tenets of the actual party. He had his flaws sure, but the man was strength under pressure and could take the heat as well as deliver the flame.

I felt that way when her ‘fiance’ Cory Monteith died. I don’t remember the specifics, but it seems like I remember they had been on and off and were not even in the same country when he died and had been living separate lives, at least physically, for some time, even when he was going through the worst of his issues.

Old college buddy was a Warbler.  He was...not a super nice person and the shit he had to say about Lea...  It was like, if you of all people thinks she’s garbage, she must be a dumpster fire.

Ain’t it amazing how police can arrest a black reporter in the US without even reasonable suspicion, but a cop kneeling on the jugular of a black man for nine minutes until he’s dead stays free because local officials are sitting on their hands while they search for any excuse to determine there’s no probable cause?

This has to be one of my top 10 embarrassed-to-be-a-white-woman moments. 

The way she deliberately changed her tone on the phone to make it sound like she was terrified makes me want to punch her in the face. 

My strategy, if I feel threatened by someone, is to run while screaming for help, not to start yelling at them and standing still while calling the police. Because no cop is going to show up faster than that person can assault me, especially in the Central Park Ramble. She wasn’t on a street corner. The Central Park

we can care about both... 

That’s not the worst apology I’ve ever seen (low bar), but the bit about her privilege blinding her to the fact that for some other groups the police are not just a benign protection agency is patent bullshit. She makes a point of saying to this guy that she is going to call the police and tell them an “African

It is certainly not the same since ye olde Anna Holmes days. I really really miss the OG Jezebel and damn Gawker, brings a tear to my eye. I think the majority of the writers now are very young millennials (mid-to-late 20s/early 30s tops) and the tone has clearly adapted to that generation. Long live the days of Erin

What?! This movie was highly enjoyable and Tom Cruise and his wig were campy, scenery-chewing perfection. I gotta say, I’ve been visiting this site since it launched but I think I’m done. Between that ghastly “breaking quarantine for dick” article and the current writers’ insistence on writing entire articles sneering

$50 says he’s lying about taking it, just like he lies about everything else.