
That is such a good movie. Russo’s character is so cool, so poised, so elegant to mid size town me. And that hair! Shit is sexy as hell. Need to watch original though, I’ve never seen but McQueen is my dude.

All of his were decent until Die Another Day. That stunk.

Goldeneye is the best Bond movie.

Anyone else seeing this Mariah fisaco?! That was so uncomfortable and awesome. She is so mad, so mad! I feel bad for her.

I’m 35 and use fire slangly. But that headline, it makes no sense whatsoever.

I absolutely love Don’t Let the Sun..., used to tape it off the radio.

Imma add NYE weddings and tea towels. I also agree with mason jars.

Lol I feel ya. Plan on cutting waaay back on my hard liquor. I call it my baby fat, but lets be real, its all whiskey bloat. We can do it friend!!

You know Jax really showed his ass last night. He is such a two faced bastard. One minute he’s talking shit about those 3 bitches, but 1 on 1 with Stassi, he blew up Scheana’s spot. Rude ass. I hope Brittney goes far away from him. Can we get the episode where Tom days he’s done with Katie (even though he ain’t) I

None. none at all. Then he opens his mouth and it gets worse. I can’t stand that dude.

Ambitious, you know good things. Tami also went to ITT right. And her wired jaw! Holy shit, I forgot about the blonde surfer Aaron too!

Dominic! That shit was so wild. Him and Tami drive a damn RV to get ol red neck Jon, then they went to LA and had to endure Beth. I thought she was kind of a sad sack even as a kid. David anf it wasn’t not funny. Lame other Beth and ha Glen. Swooooon!!!!

Also, remember when that dude was trying to holla at her and she was like nope, come correct. LOVED THAT! They all seemed so grown, and now I’m older than they were and still so unaccomplished.

Man you have a good memory. I liked up to about San Diego. And I loved Miami! I got to see Dan up close at my friend’s graduation; he was cute but the oldest brother was smoking hot. MTV needs to wise up and let me watch old seasons STAT!

Haha I did not remember, but those are some solid choices. I say Heather and Julie!!

Can Montana join? I remember thinking she seemed like a good time. Her boyfriend tho...

Man Jason was so hot! He dated that girl Aspen or Timber, don’t remember. I’m glad he’s still cool. I really miss old school Real World.

Portia Doubleday?! I think you mean Rhonda Lion. Doesn’t matter, I just like her, and he’s super cute.

Maaan, Kim has really stepped up her hair game. She don’t even look like that no more. That first was great!

Ooh boy, everybody was on my nerves last night. Tom needs to man the fuck up and tell her no. About the wedding, everything. Jax is an idiot and couldn’t even fathom Ton and Ariana’s point about him stirring up shit. Ellie needs to stay out of the sun and out of James’ bed. Like who sleeps w/someone who knows he’s