
I was in high school too. We actually had a teacher couple who moved out to Colorado to teach at Columbine the next year. I always thought that was pretty decent of them.

THANK YOU! I can’t wait til the “wrong kind” uses this defense (I don’t want anyone to get hurt at all but) in court. Turn that shit right back on them. I hate Trump, but thinking about getting a conceal and carry license, cause fuck em, I can do it too! (I probably won’t wahh wahh)

So she looked great in it, and I really like the idea of a colored wedding dress, but it seemed off in that hazy, rustic wood setting. Like spliced from a totally different setting. But hey, I don’t know nothing about no weddings.

Well well well, looks like freebird Shay liked it away from all the hubbub. I thought they had more in them really. Guess Scheana needed a story line. I am not looking forward to fake looking crying and more playing the victim from from the former Scheana Shay.

Eeh she’s always been a bit of a downer, and yes she took that waaaay to seriously, but she’s always acted decent and been her own person. I think her and Tom were just over it last year and I love that she seems to give no fucks what those other girls think, unlike her old bff Scheana. How long til Scheana is crying

I don’t think it goes through, but I can’t wait to see when Tom tells Katie Ariana is a groomsman. Ariana is also looking the best this season too.

Katie is the literal worst. You explained it so well. I feel so bad for Tom. When he tried to talk to her and she got all pissed off and ate sad salad was hilarious. She acts like drunk James then gets all holier than thou when shes called out. And Scheana needs to run far, far away from those other girls. So fucking

Hey y’all!! So I love Celebrity Apprentice, can’t lie. Trump was so wishy washy and all over the place with firing. Plus he’s a piece of shit, but I love celebrities in the situations, cause sometimes they suck, (Ian Zering, Aubry O Day, etc.) or are better than you thought.( Theresa Guiduice, Lol Jon, Twisted Sister

The Nightingale. It’s the one I most vividly remember.  

I love when celebs beef. I’m with Debra on this one. It’s like when friends on Facebook say, we need to be nice, and give Trump respect, blah blah blah all while they clowned Obama for 8 years. SHUSH!

When she told Kenya you need to twirl your ass up some baseboards I died. It was an early birthday present and I love it and her!

Haha, you and your husband sound awesome!!

I can’t decide if Mike is gonna like kill himself to stop. I think his Mom is going to do something. I wished she could have jacked that teacher! Is the tooth thing her son? That little girl playing his daughter is too cute. So like, is the town supposed to just forget their kids went crazy if Mike breaks the curse?!

Hello everybody!! Hope your night is well. That thing up there sounds ick Nast! I’m about to dive into some whiskey, early birthday celebration, and watch ol Dave Chappelle later. So is anyone besides me and Pops watching Channel Zero Candle Cove on SyFy?! Shit is crazy!! Also Katie lost me forever with that attitude

Me,Chris Wallace, cept mines is Carmex.

That shit is awesome and hilarious. Could you splice it to other electronics I wonder. I have this Darth Vader that would be dope.

Scarface, always.

Olivias brother/ Houdini on Houdini and Doyle?! Interesting. I like him a lot. He got pretty eyes.

Me. Pickles are the Devil’s work.

Man that was the weirdest shit. All I could think was Megan is an adult, and Heather was grabbing on her face like an old Nana. Beat it Heather.