
Seriously bummed out. I’m glad he’s not suffering anymore but it hurts. I watch Willie Wonka everytime (God damn Grandpa Joe) cause uh, that outfit does it for me. Weird, but I’m into it. It’s a staple. Most of his movies were. Sigh, at least he can be with Gilda again. RIP.

yes, yes it is. I wish Big Brother never had him on there for me to know who he is.

Not really, That song came out when I was in high school 18 years ago. I dont really like the usage tho, cause Stan was too crazy.

God damn that looks good! Wish I had fancy cable channels. I watched the original for the first time not long ago and it was unsettling. Yul Brenner was scary AF. I felt for those machines. I guess they’re not doing the medieval or Greek worlds. Get em Cyclops!

I’m only here to say that I loved the lice check the nurse would do with the toothpicks through your hair. Felt fantastic, made your head tingle!

Me too friend, me too.

I’m actually seeing them later as they stepped in for Duane Allman as the opening act for ZZ Top at the state fair.

That dude has been on my last nerve since Singled Out. Why must he yell all the time?!

Y’all are my people!! Can’t stand him!

Aww man, it’s like the only “romantic” movie I like!! It is really kind of bad, but so quotable. And I love Kit.

Your name tho!!

Ha, I always thought she was dreaming cause I’m slow on the uptake. I also thought it was the fetus and not a head first time I saw Seven, so honest mistake.

No way dude! He’s way hot now. He was too skinny for me when he was younger, but around Gangs of New York, even with that greasy hair, I was like, shit, this mofo foine! I think he gives Old Hollywood when he cleans up. Otherwise he looks a mess.

It’s irrational, I can’t quite put my finger on it. It ain’t a big deal.

Memphis Belle. He was so damn handsome. That cast was handsome. And Demon Knight.

I have a severe dislike of that Chloe Grace Moritz. Not even this issue, just in general. Something about her. I thought I’d never have to hear about Oksana again. And Criminal Minds has been on for like 8 years or so, where you been?

This is fantastic! Simone is so badass and well rounded. I hate that NBC waits til primetime. But I got a little Bears preseason to watch too, and Big Brother. GO USA GO Bears Go Natalie

This my first thought too. I wish they’d leave it alone, but if someone must play Jack Burton, the Rock is ok. Sort if like the rumor about Chris Pratt doing Indiana Jones. It’s a horrible idea, but I’m ok with Chris.

So I might be the only one watching Scream Queens, but Miss Breslin is the weak link and I just cannot see her playing Baby. Is it going to be modernized? In what universe would her and Sarah Hyland pass as sisters. I don’t like any of this....

That’s a huge picture of Mr. Worldwide.