Poor man’s Tom Hardy is Not Tom Hardy from Prometheus, Logan Marshall Green, I believe is his name.
Poor man’s Tom Hardy is Not Tom Hardy from Prometheus, Logan Marshall Green, I believe is his name.
This movie lost me with Jared Leto as the Joker. Yuck! I’m glad Margot Robbie got good reviews, I like her, she seems sweet and a capable actor. Remember when a Will Smith movie would open at #1 with just his name? Bet he does too....
I can’t hate you Leo, even with his Pussy Posse and all that, but Jonah Hill, I’ll take thay hate to the grave. Cantstandya!
Um that soldier is my boyfriend Chris Pine. And it’s during World War I! Plus a badass trailer, I’m totally in. I’m excited AF!
I really dug this show. I loved the damn theme song too. Sometimes Joyce was the most, but I loved how she treated Eleven, especially at the school. Dustin was my kid, he was hilarious. The ending tho! I’m no fan of ambiguous endings.
Man, I really wanted to like New Total Recall and RoboCop, but they were just so boring and felt like all the life had been sucked out of them. Or I’m bias cause those 2 movies are easily in my top 10. New Ghostbusters looks awesome to me. Have fun with your daughter!!
Yes! You, I love! Kit has come a long way huh?! I wonder where Los is and Shelley and the Dr. Girl with the Kermit tat!? God I miss Road Rules. I forks wit u!
That win tasted so good.
It was like damn Carrie Ann sit your ass in the seat and don’t move! Like the younger sibling trying to up the older one and get attention. Shoo, doing too much. Relax. But good for her, I wonder, besides J.Lo, what the other flygirls are doing these days. Leslie Jones is my A No. 1.
Spike or not, the I Am.... docs are really good. The Steve McQueen one was brilliant and the Chris Farley one really humanized him, if that makes sence. I’m pissed cause Spike just up and became a premium channel I guess. Watch this one, I bet it will be fantastic.
Hahaha ok! My Pops watched it and asked me if his character was supposed to be slow cause he just stared and hardly talked. It reminded me of To Live and Die in LA, but not as good.
This me bummed out. He was perfect as Chekov. He had a beautiful face, very expressive. I feel so bad his family. Rest in Peace honey.
Lil Georgie is too damn cute. Queen looks good for 90. I think she looks boss in that green against all that red.
I’m so happy there are others who hope for a Salt 2!
Yes! I love that movie. I wish I had it on DVD. What always stuck with me was old Andy Garcia I think, smoking through his uh, throat tube. Oof. And scissors and Campbell Scott. I need to find that.
Dat Pee Wee GIF tho!!
I hope that this does not get the girls/girls who jumped and beat her any leeway. This is consequences not accidents. My heart breaks for that young girls family.
Ha, I have a friend who’s youngest is named Boomer. He liked the name and if the baby was above a certain weight he’d get the name Boomer. They call him Bo for short and he’s cute as hell.
That’s Alex Mack right? That was my takeaway. Last week’s episode was lame. I’m in the long haul for Carisi. And Barba.