
Ok! Even if I was a gazillonare I’m buying my basics at Dollar General and buying my kid some boots at K-Mart. This is why kids get beat up for not having Jordans and shit. Who cares where she spends her money?! Her racism tho, that’s a problem.

The fact that those dopes are playing gives me the sneaking suspicion that it will be Patriots and Cardinals (Go Cards!) instead of the game I feel we deserve, Carolina and Denver. I am way too pumped for this Sunday, those games and X-Files!. So glad I’m off Mondays.

But they shot in natural light and in order!! For real tho, its real bleak and real cold and a true story, so that’s cool. Its good, funkiest accent was Tom Hardy, he sounded so funny to me!

I’ve seen it, know a lot of people who have, and enjoyed the hell out of it. Leo is really good in it and I think he’s the frontrunner. You can change things without knocking someone else’s abilities.

Hey now, wasn’t she in the On Bended Knee or I’ll Make Love to You videos?! Boyz II Men for sure should be mentioned!

She was really good in that and Gladiator, but man she wore my nerves on SVU.

I did, I think it’s cute and she is dope. I saw her on like Fallon or something and she seemed super cool and funny. I’d like to see her in more stuff. She’s got good comedic timing.

That whole Thanksgiving episode was sooo good, the Radwells were perfectly cast and I hate Julia Duffy. Chanel #3 is my favorite. She’s so deadpan. I love to hate Chanel #1. I will definitely watch.

Have you never seen the cinematic masterpiece Half-Baked?

Hey friend, good luck with that!

Its like I want to hate him for being a cad, only dating young, blonde, models, and for founding the God damn Pussy Posse, but then I see The Revanant and he does this and its like, I can’t be mad at you Leo.

I pirated The Revenant, but Leo deserved that shit!! Let him speak!

YYAAAASSSS COOKIE!! You get it girl! Taraji is so great!

Denzel’s you doin?


You’re right. I was thinking living for a long time. I still want to see it....for free.

Awwww yeah, way to go Stallone! That was cool. Can I say, Brad Pitt was giving me vapors. So was Kurt Russell!

I’m not a romantic comedy person, but I want to see that Movie....I think it’s the time travel.

Good Lord Tarantino! This is the weirdest Globes I’ve seen.

I’ve said it before and I’ll sure say it again, Jonah Hill is dreadful. I can’t stand him. Him and Jesse Eisenberg.