That is fucked up. Are there no supervisors to report to? Two years with no heat is insane, who would they go to to complain? I feel like $8 mil is chump change and they deserve more. I really hope charges are going to happen. Man so fucked up.
That is fucked up. Are there no supervisors to report to? Two years with no heat is insane, who would they go to to complain? I feel like $8 mil is chump change and they deserve more. I really hope charges are going to happen. Man so fucked up.
Abe is nuttier than peanut butter, but his hate of Bananas is great. When he calls him Jon, I laugh, cackle really. But Cara-Maria needs to leave him ASAP.
Oh Angie, girl, we can totally sit down and watch your movies, but be prepared to watch Salt and Hackers once a week. I believe that about Mariah and Lady GaGa. I don’t believe that about ol Willy cause that throne is Chucks, no way, he’s been waiting too long.
Thank you! That is what I was thinking. Wasn’t the second wife the nanny or something (don’t care enough to Google) that dude has a lot of nerve. Such an idiot.
YES! I just posted the same thought!!
I knew she had been sick, but did not realize how bad it really was. 65 is so young. RIP Natalie Cole. Hope you and your Poppa are giving them a showstopper.
The hottest hot to ever hot up the hot!! Streetcar Brando and Young Elvis. From there one can make the rest of the list, but those are top 2!!
That’s Lala on Vanderpump Rules.
STOP THE PRESSES! You buried the lead, Daisy Fuentes and Richard Marx!? Like whut?! Be still my heart! I thought he was still married to the gal from Dirty Dancing! This is amazing news.
Well I look at like he knows he messed up, make a joke, and move on, leave it alone. But I get what your saying.
That’s pure class right there!! Anyone see the pic of Steve Harvy tellin everyone Happy Easter? Love it!! I’m glad most people are laughing this off graciously. A lot of people need to learn this lesson!
You guys not only did I get some cast iron skillets, I received full Frasier box set and Season 1-5 (cause 5-9 were apparently harder to find) of Night Court!! I’ve been bitching for months that no one has it to stream. It’s the most thoughtful gift I’ve got in a while!! Merry Christmas!
That’s my thing, he just spent 2 months with you, wants to spend Christmas with his Pop. Like I don’t see the issue. That would piss me off so much. Maybe Rocco is the one who’s gonna give us Mommie Dearest Pop Star edition. Poor guy
I think that is really sweet and sappy of your Aunt! I’m a big baby anyway, but that would have made me cry real hard!
Kelly Faircloth, thanks for Dirty Old London. I must have it! Like tailor made for what I’m into. You should check out Gangs of New York, the book, and The Alienist by Caleb Carr.
Random, but the time I went skydiving, the guy who was strapped to my back looked uncannily like dude that plays Stewart? I didn’t really watch the show. It was pretty awesome.
In my head I always read it as “sa-rosy” even though that is no where close and I know how to pronounce it!
Well Renee Estevez was also was also Betty Finn in Heathers, but if one didn’t know about Martin Sheen/Charlie,Emilio then you probably don’t know Heathers. Also watch Men At Work, best brah movie ever.
Ha ha Dj Muppet Baby! Kris, if I could post gifs, it’d be the old lady and the that’s not what that mean’s, cause homegirl, Mrs. George was awful. You’re kinda awful.Strike that, you are Mrs. George. Never mind, game on.