
Saint West?! Kanye trolls the best I swear! I hope when Saint is older, he signs everything St. West. Lol

Excuse me, but he ain’t no rat dog! My lil guy is amazing and I’m trying to take him everywhere, legally of course. You know Bruce Lee was little, but he still kicked ass, so does Bub.

That shit was a mess! Some weird high fashion goth emo thing that did not work!

Congratulations! I hope it’s everything you’ve wanted! While I have never been married, I’m so single it hurts, but you just gave me hope! Thank you!

The fact that he’s only 4 years younger than me is not computing in my head! Like I thought dude was 28. Feeling older and older by the day damn.

I thought my friend was fucking with me when he told me this earlier, he was not, and I’m pissed and disappointed. Like boo.

7th grade, sittin in social studies, tv on in background. I remember not being happy or sad, but the older I got, he did it. I will watch this! But everytime I see OJ, I think of Los from Road Rules 1 and his don’t squeeze the juice shirt!

Forget Marky Mark, that Gwar interview is everything!

I saw the preview last night too and man was it an assault on the eyes. It was like motion sickness on screen. I also kept thinking it was uh, original Fantastic four lead guy and not dude from Game of Thrones. Looked awful.

Seashells is Demolition Man. I couldn’t ever figure it out.

Bears just won in Green Bay!!! I’m so fucking stoked y’all! Happy Thanksgiving!

Ah Gwen and I have something in common. Who pays to go see Good Charlotte nowadays?! Kylie, come on girl, boo. Miley giving potheads a bad name! You know Jay was like “this my shit” when Britney played Toxic. Happy Birthday Goldie! Gahh, I’m too excited for the Bears/Broncos game!!!

Only as Riblet though!

When I was a child, Pop`s used to let us pick out his checks. I always picked Dogs Playing Poker and if it didn’t cost extra, mine would too. Truly a masterpiece, but not at that price. Scoff...Rich people.

I agree! Not that good. Also, don’t give me so many choices then have a rasty ass tortilla that won’t hold it all. Disappointed. But Moe`s is fire.

That is my most favorite Nancy Drew ever.

What is this lesser Hemsworth bullshit?! Liam is too fine, and I don’t blame Jen for jumping on that shit NOR do I blame Miley for being salty! I hope Anniston didn’t really say that bad omen nonsense cause that’s cold-blooded.

Last Crusade is my favorite movie Eva!! Be my best friend!

Ha, this was about 8-10 years back! I won a free massage from them (before I knew anything) and I got a 15 minute of bullshit after I spent almost 2 hours there on 2 different days (4 hours aggggrrr)!! The hell...never again.

Ack!! Was this in So.Ill. My friend worked for a same combo, and she had no idea about Scientology; I told her to scram, and she did cause they were odd birds.