
That was cool, so much easier to understand when you can hear the accent. Does this person do more...I shall leap into the YouTube rabbit hole!

Where I live, we call it a sprinkle. Diapers and cake and food, maybe some new clothes, but not like a huge shower. It’s fun and Mom appreciates some new stuff.

Man that commercial is on constantly! You are correct, she was wild, but she meant well. That final walk/horror show was amazing, thought she’d lost her mind and the show!

Lolol first time I saw first Gatsby I was like wtf, Jack been in New York forever! Him and David Strathain can get it anytime anywhere!

I had not; shit is awesome! Man Serena, I could never decide how I felt about her. Then all of a sudden she’s a lesbian. Crazy. McCoy is such a stud.

Didn’t Danielle? Win that season? That was my favorite too.I also loved when Caridee beat Melrose, cause she was so stank face and Caridee was so sweet, I thought. Man, I want to watch all the Top Models!

Haha YES! I would have kept it too!! Lenny was the man, absolutely no one lays the one liner like Mr. Privacy, God rest his soul. My favs were him and Green cause damn Jesse L. Martin has the best smile!! Thinking SVU and getting NCIS is like when you’re on a good Cops kick and suddenly turns to Jail.

She earned that DA! I was like shit, no wonder Casey got that role! I get real confused when she pops up on NCIS when I’m trying to turn it real quick.

That one I haven’t seen but once, so I vaguely remember, but I know I liked it. I love when people show up in various episodes, be like “Nardalle, thought you went back to Africa to fight the good fight, whose badass kids are these?”

Lol yes! That is a good one, but I swear I’ve seen it one million times. Like the one where Lou Diamond Phillips snatches the kids and the whole shooting/not shooting thing. I could talk shop all day!

Matthew Lillard is everything in that episode. I also enjoy the one with Ann-Margaret and them; eating scenery! Any one heavy on Ice-T, but not Darius, he makes me so mad. My absolute favorite is that crazy ass one with Countess LuAnn, Lucious Grape, Crazy boss and vodka up the butt. Thanks for that Speed Weed! I

I had such high hopes for this episode and it was so not funny....

Boo! I’ll check ya later gators cause I dvr that shit! I like my Empire commercial free!!

Ha, I was lost there, thought it was their house. This show is so OTT, but I’ll probably watch again.

It was ok. All I could think about was that there was no way thise girls would have a deep fryer. They look like they barely eat, let alone something deep fried. Just took me out of it. Oh and Chad, Chad is too strange.

was the only thing that worked for me. Dip a qtip and apply, was gone in 3 days. Good luck with however you get rid of it.

Bleach. It will dry your skin out, but dries out the p. ivy. Also baking soda and water paste.

I think she had her eyes done. They look bigger. She doesn’t look like herself, to me.

Like that was Stassi taking to Jax right?! She looks different, and as for her and Jax, gross. I know violence is wrong, but I’d love Kristen to get whooped one time so she’d shut the F up. I think imma hate LaLa. I love this trash show!

My Tweety Bird one was dope!