
I kind of agree with you in that it has a heavy darker look that I notice in more of the earlier years in cinema, but not quite so vampy. Either way she was an absolute stunner!

Dude, sadface. I still hope beyomd hope. A girl!!

I want this kid to be a girl named Diana so bad!!! I feel stupid how emotionally invested to this idea I am. I think it includes the extra feels I get this time of month. But can you just imagine!!!

Its just me...just me and my ganja. That episode is everything. Roseanne was the one show I related to.

Man I’m sorry that’s super shitty and I’m mad for you and YaJagoff. Family can really suck sometimes!

That is really fucked up. I hope they find who did this. Way to keep discourse in your community assholes.

I can’t stand Bobby Flay! She’s so much better off!

Wait now, I was born in 1981 and I know all about Van Halen!! I consider 1984 to be one of the most fully solid albums, like Purple Rain. Pops played a lot of them when I was young.

Man I laughed so hard when they were singing that Movie Viagra or whatever and in the robot voice said" Can you smell what Stephan Hawking is cooking" Hilarious! The Rock, I mean Dwayne, is so good in things it's a little ridic.

I have never had an interaction with you either Ben Stiller, but like Joan, I dislike you too.

Trippin balls. I've been there. Seeing stuff, zoning out, talking crazy. I too wish I could speak Technicolor! Bet she tells this story often, like let me tell us bout the time I drank acid laced water(!!) And this doctor asked me a bunch of questions....


Hey Joker said it best, if you gotta go, go with a smile.

That is awful. Being a server, I have only not tipped once. I used to live in a kind of college town and we decided to have margaritas on. Vinci de Mayo. We expected it to be busy so no problem there. We were sat and were ignored for 10minutes until I flagged a guy down. We ordered everything, food and drinks. Our

I love this show! It's over the top, silly, surprising, and scandalous!! The first hour felt more like a finale. I couldn't believe Lucious talkin in his sleep and Hello Bunky, never forgot about ya! How bout Cookie whooping on Boo Boo Kitty. And Uncle Vernon! I mean what the actual fuck. But I'm hooked, HOOKED! Now

Mustard and soy sauce work. Just fyi.

Firstly, Molly's hair is super cute and speaking of Breakfast Club, Judd Nelson and his slight crazy eyes are killing it on Empire. I am so mad I have to work Wednesday night, but thank Jeebus for dvr. Secondly, I'm not even gonna watch that video cause it looks horrendous. Thirdly, I absolutely love Brad and

Man I never looked at Imagine from that angle. You are right in a lot of ways. I don't have a favorite Beatle, but learning all these facts is juicy!

My Sister in law thought someone had died I cried so hard at her and my brother's wedding. I cry at every wedding I attend. It's such a sweet thing and I'm sappy and I cry at everything!! I feel ya and think it's awesome!

That is absolutely insane! On a side note, her dress was really pretty. But still not cool!