I'm always afraid that gravity is going to take over and his face is going to slide right off.
I'm always afraid that gravity is going to take over and his face is going to slide right off.
Ya dude sounds like a turd but Frasier is amazing! Just started to re-watch and I've laughed more at those shows than I have at anything new on tv.
I thought it was hilarious. This episode I actually laughed a lot. Dude named Riblet cracked me up as did Dr. Worf. I thought Dakota did a good job.
I do I do!! I was in 5th grade and loved it! I wish I could watch it now as well, an older person! He was so dreamy, still is, but I feel like I've been with him for the long haul lol!!
Wrong WRONG!! Peanut butter patties and caramel delights are a gift from God. Thin mints are plain and stupid!
My favorite was when Kevin Jonas told him to wait a a sec and get caught up in the conversation, and he got so stinking mad!! Ha Geraldo, your Napoleon complex is showing!
No way!! Ace Ventura When Nature Calls is hilarious and endlessly quotable! Agghhh it's like my brain can't compute your sentence!!
He was totally guilty from jump! I knew what the Dad was gonna do, knew the girl would recant, knew there'd be more victims. I didn't really understand if uncles wife knew what he was doing. The end was sad but I loves me some Barba and the new guy!!
Raises hand...I do and I love it! I'll watch them all day long. But I will admit, I called all the major plot points on last night's episode!
Shit yeah! I'm going to also need you to do the whole oh yo oh yo catch this speech too. Kit really was the best part! Also needed a guy to walk around doing the everybody come to Hollywood got a dream, what's your dream!!
It's an irrational hatred. I can't stand his browline, his hair, his flesh beard, or how he thinks he's just so cool. Plus he's a Packer. Sorry no cool stories!!
Imma also need some geezers in the elevator at RegBevWil so I can say look I got a runner in my pantyhose. I'm not wearing pantyhose.
Because I can not say it enough, I hate Clay Matthews with the fire of a thousand suns! Back to your regularly scheduled program....
Hell yeah we do! People just need to learn....
Well first things first, the most perfect movie in my mind is Last Crusade, so I was super jazzed for 4 to continue the story. Then it came out....woof, I hate/drank through that one, and I'm disappointed but not surprised about a re-boot, BUT if this for real goes down, Chris Pratt is perfect.
I swear she said she was pregnant not too long after Kate and William announced their new baby. Maybe it was a tabloid. Either way just say yes or no.
I got Bane?!?! I think cause I went with rough sex but must have a sense of humor. Can't understand him anyway...
I've only seen that once...still didn't want to buy. But I do need King Ralph for real.
I have picked this DVD up before simply for King Ralph but there is absolutely nothing else in all those movies to justify buying. Not even Cop and a Half..
ME! I didn't read the books but my friends did. I went to go have fun and I loved it! Own it and watch it sometimes when I'm tipsy. It was harmless silliness and Four can get it!