I mean, its so cheap, like $32 for a handle!
I mean, its so cheap, like $32 for a handle!
Tito's is AMAZING! So smooth, so easy to drink! Get it if you see it, I swear you'll love it, and I prefer whiskey above all.
HOLY SHIT! That was her wasn't it!! That part was so damn scary. When she's reaching to her saying her name I believe (Can't think of it) whoo, scary shit. I think she'll be great in Hunger Games too.
Happy Early Birthday!! Mine is Nov. 14th, but I'll be 31 this Nov. sooo. But November Birthday's are the best birthdays ever! Can't wait for more Hunger Games!!
I like to sat Benedict Cumimysnatch. Totally gross, but to the point.
I lived in Southern Illinois when one went through in 2009. It was crazy creepy weather all day then the wind went nuts. Uprooted trees,, etc, etc. Sky broke, and it was the nicest day ever, thank god seeing as no one had power. Never been so scared to be living in a trailer.
I do believe that Chay Tates was the best thing in the whole dirtbag!
Happy Birthday!! Been here longer than I can remember! Wonderful place to spend HOURS!!!
I was thinking about him the other day, so sad. I believe you that he was more beautiful in person, sounds completely possible with JFK Jr.
HI!! I love Sherlock too!! I have never seen Doctor Who, so I can't comment on it. I hope there is a logical answer to what the hell went down on that building, but I can't agree with Moriarty coming back. I was worked up during the end, but I knew everything was ok, to a degree, because having read the stories, I…
Uh whaaa, where did you hear of a Back to the Future remake? That is utter shit and I want the idea to die a thousand deaths!
YOU! You say what's in my head!
My hairdresser had these marker looking things that you use in your hair, so you could maybe try those first to see if you like it enough to fully color!
Thank you Penny!!
I read the book for a class, and I couldn't put it down, so good. I finally saw the film last year, and I enjoyed it too. It is disturbing, but it was a situation that I did not know much about, and am glad she told her story. She was a brave, brave woman.
He's so damn gorgeous I can't even deal with it. We could have blue-eyed, red-haired, pale face kids and I would be happier than a pig in shit! Also, Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy was excellent.
I think that gave me seizures. Man, I really don't know about that, it was so flashy. I really was hoping for just an update, so to speak, not Moulin Rogue on more drugs, AND I liked that movie. I will admit, Leo gets finer the older he gets!!
Both!!! Hahahaha!!
Damn yo! I'm sorry to hear this about you, but go on with your bad self, cause you are Fab-u-lous!!!
I will eat peach pie like I ain't never had it before. Only white, semi-sweet, or semi-dry (the same right)! Don't do red, but we need to do this! PICNIC!