
It really does!! Any pie you want friend!!!

Holy Shit!! That's it! You win all the pie and bourbon, it was bothering me so much.


I too hated Black Swan!!

Nice! I love his "Ja's" in that episode. The essence of Eurotrash (in my mind)!

Best Show Ever, I was in 5th grade..I need more! He is so damn dreamy!

I loved that show! I think Brittney Snow is the cutest thing and the guy who played her older brother is fine! I started watching Parenthood, didn't care for uh, not Amber, but the other girl. Dawned on me it was Patty, didn't care for her either. Didn't know it was on DVD. I want it and Homefront (sigh, so good) STAT!

Team Jack is wack. Team Sawyer for life, with a Sayid honeymoon, and a Jin fling.

He's looking better, I really thought he was sick or something, he got skinny and almost frail looking. I believe Grant over on Ghost Hunters suffers from the same thing.

YES!!! This is the first thing my mind goes to when Charles Bronson is mentioned, each and every time.

Hey thanks!!! That hook is amazing, a super sweet perk no doubt!

Where does Rockwell fit in in the LMFAO family tree? I sure do like his jam, LMFAO makes me want to pull my hair out.

Goo, that is a mugshot for the ages! I freaking love Total Recall, its so exactly what it is. Now I'm a sucker for future set movies, and Colin Farrell is awesome, but that trailer said nothing about Mars and I'm not a fan of Jessica Biel. And what's with Recall looking like an opium den?! I need a double showing of

Thank you for that, that was a really neat article.

I agree with you on everything, but shhhhh on the last point, or they might hear you!

HA! I used to love this song, but could never get over him outside in the rain, made no sense in my young mind. You win my friend!

Had excellent home made frisco melts but watched the terrible Friends With Benefits. It was the never-ending movie. Happy Sunday!

Puff puff pass my friend!

The Iron Lady? Um, ok, sure.

That folks was when Brad was at his finest!