
Check out my post above!


Sounds to me like she should have thought about her actions. I don't think she can technically do anything to you, AND use the union rep for your good. So her son is the rep, he could get in trouble I would think, if he used the statements for other than what they are, you know what I mean. Just do you, they have

So I just cried at the end of the last Community, cause Lil Shirley and Lil Jeff was really, really sweet. I continued said cry through Parks and Rec for Ben and Leslie. I loves those two!! I may have to watch some older eps, cause I always need some Jean-Ralphio in my life. Hope everyone is having a good night, and

Damn!! Good call!!

My bro told me about this article (I love Cracked) and I didn't believe it until I read it and it made some sense, coupled with his horrible childhood. I guess I have always really hoped that he didn't do anything to kids.

Eww, "like a lollipop" will be forever now a bad thing if I hear that from a dude. Seriously, I am very sorry you went through this and I hope you are doing well, I also appreciate you telling your story.

I hate when people want older homes, but then bitch about every detail. Like this episode in St. Louis. They were shown a beautiful home, bungalow style, gorgeous. Didn't like the tiny powder room. Kept thinking, you're lucky it has a 2cd toilet, what do you need to do in there besides pee? Some houses that old

Love, love , love this movie. Its epicness should be known by more. RIP John Neville.

You are awesome! I thank you very much!

I know everyone's all about Twilght (not everyone but some) but the best love story is happening between Ben and Leslie, and I am so happy for them!

Sallah-"Your named after the dog." Indy- "I have a lot of fond memories of that dog." You are awesome, that is the best movie ever made!!

Its the shit!! Its kinda crazy and all WTF, but its the only show that makes me sit and think about it after I watch it. Watch from the beginning. The characters are amazing in their own ways (Jessica Lange is killing it) I bawled like a baby in the Piggy Piggy episode. Its really good, you should totally watch.

I got a question if anyone can answer. So the music that plays in the Jameson commerical where he gets the big bird and cooks it, I'm pretty sure its the same music being played in Tombstone when they are watching the actors do Faust. Anywho, is that a famous piece? Is it from Tombstone only? I was wondering, like you

BEST SHOW EVER!!! I love it!! I want to hang out with Tom and Jean-Ralphio but in real life. Also, Ben and Leslie 4-Eva!

Can't even lie, so happy RHO Atlanta is back!! I missed the hell out of these ladies!!

Nope, just what people have called me, the 2cd half is my name. Check out Sherri Martel though, cause that's how I always knew the "name." And thanks for the B-Day wishes friend!!!

Get it girl!! Sounds like a catch. Enjoy it for what it is!!!

So my 30th birthday is next Monday. I'm kinda upset cause I don't have anything going on in life (thought maybe I'd be doing more) but it could be worse. Going down to where my BFF is (where I was) this weekend to party and thinking about going back permanently next May. Goo, so many thoughts running through my