Greek God of Music Yanni, great!!
Greek God of Music Yanni, great!!
Ahaha, this Kardashian thing is really funny!!
Are they brothers?! My bro has two boxer bros, one is white, one brindle, just like yours!! I miss them pups! Boxers are so cute!
I actually feel kind of bad for the Colts. They seem so sad, really need a win, but I will never actively root for them against the Saints, nu-uh. Bears and Jets won, homemade pizzas were awesome. Football is great, Happy Sunday Loves!!
Thighs. I love a dude with some meaty thighs/legs. Connect that to a decent ass and I am good.
Happy Saturday Night everyone!! Is anyone else completely obsessed with American Horror Story?! I love the house, perfect for me, except the ghosts and stuff. So who do you think is The Gimp? (PS-Addams Family movies are so awesome!)
JEALOUS!! Scream real loud and have a great time!
I just want to say- 1) Hope everyone has had a great Sunday and has an excellent next week and 2) Nothing like the Bears winning to get a girl to smile. All I need is the Jets to win tomorrow and I will be giddy all week!! FYI- FOOTBALL RULES!!
Uh Bill, that's not your Vincent price gear and for that I am over SNL. Hey, did anyone see that South Park special thing? I didn't know Hader wrote for South Park! Anyway, night folks!
Oh good!! Actually, they probably won't do it cause from what I've seen, this episode is real lame! Thanks for answering me!!
Hey ya'll, did they do a Vincent Price sketch? I was watching some scary shit on Bio channel and forgot to turn the channel.I will be upset if I missed one.
Agreed on all counts!! I hate how she says that family bullshit then wants to rile up Melissa and Theresa against each other. That shit is none of her business to speak about, keep what they may say to you to yourself. Ugh, and her kids are really rude and always shit-talking.
'Is it my birthday?" " No, next week." That was really cute and even though I'm bout to be 30, I would cry too. Have fun Lily!!
Haha, I'm creeping, but had to say that this Chris Rock shit is funny!
I'd like to thank you for my new facebook pic!!!
Have you seen Plunkett and Macleane?! Very awesome action/historical fair. And yes, he was too fine in Hackers.
Got our proton packs on our backs and we split, something about evil and Viggo, try to battle my boys, its not legal!! Well, I guess we're gonna have to take control!! Oh shit yes, that whole soundtrack was the shit!!!
For real!! I have never wanted them to like hook up or anything, but damn, she delivered your last baby dude!! He better show up and give us something, a goodbye, maybe with no shirt on.
Really Gwyneth. Just stop talking. AMC, just stop. I can't stand that guy. He has sucked since Singled Out.
last night made me so sad! Its like, that's the end, that's all we get, Benson crying her eyes out alone?! Not ok! I sure as hell enjoyed Cabot being there and the DA from L&O (never forget) even though I didn't like him. Absence sure makes the heart grow fonder!