
Between his military record and unqualified professional success Popovich is approximately infinite-times more qualified than trump to be President. His humanity is just a really fucking nice bonus.

The Spurs just became my NBA team.

The unanimity is what makes it perfect. He’ll still call the judge biased if he tries to press this issue and some idiots will believe him, but hopefully at least the same people will know how full of shit he is.

The Supreme Court basically rejected that argument in Clinton v. Jones.

What the fuck? They’re gonna wrap some thread around that shit and sell it for 4 dollars, and then act like it’s MAGNANIMOUS of them?

Directly he’d have to pay whatever damages were awarded. Indirectly it could be used as justification for impeachment (“high crimes and misdemeanors” is deliberately vague). I don’t think there’s any chance the trial will be over before the electoral college votes but it could encourage faithless electors.

Newt Gingrich is going around the country promoting is new book. He will be in Naples FL at Barnes and Noble on the 26th. I called to protest and said I will be boycotting them for legitimising rank hatred and bigotry. I was condescended to and patted on the head for expressing my ‘free speech’ but they don’t censor,

Some of them are. Some, like you said are too busy gloating. But four years is a long time. We’ll see how lovey-dovey these whackjobs feel towards this man if he fails to come through on everything he promised them.

Trumpkins is lazy. He doesn’t actually work. If he actually worked like a real CEO, he wouldn’t have time to be on reality TV, judge beauty pageants, sexual assault women, and run for president. When he tried running a real business, they failed in spectacular fashion. I doubt he’s going to last two full years once he

Yes, but at the same time, in a weird way, stories like this give me hope. These choices are going to piss off his base. They were promised “change” and “swamp-draining”, but that isn’t what they are going to get.

It was already laughable for his kids to run a “blind” trust, but this is absurd now.

I hope we are all ready for boycotts. We’re going to have to send some consistent messages in a number of different ways these next four years. I’m not going to do any business with folks, businesses or organizations who are complicit in supporting Trump’s dime-store fascism. No, sir. There will be no economic

The president-elect told advisers he wanted to tap Mr. Pence’s Washington experience and contacts to help move the process along


my unmarried guess is a lot of them get married to “fix” the relationship.

Bush was not asked to stay away, and mainly Bush is criticized for his impotent version of FEMA. No one really expects a president to come in during the first critical days of the flood - that’s not what people were mad about. Plus, when he did come around, it was about goddamn time for a President to come but he

They asked him NOT to go because all of the logistics involved ensuring his safety and mapping out logistics would detract from the relief efforts. He will be going next week, by invitation, as planned.

Nice try revising history. The problem with Bush was not that he “didn’t go to New Orleans right away.”