I can’t deal with the stupid. So Noah randomly decided to drop kangaroos and a lot of poisonous animals off in Australia because fuck Australia.
I can’t deal with the stupid. So Noah randomly decided to drop kangaroos and a lot of poisonous animals off in Australia because fuck Australia.
I haven’t seen this one, but the favorite comment I saw on Facebook included this line:
It's like Mean Girls plus Saved! I want to watch that right now.
So like, sometimes I need to use the mirror to make sure my contacts haven’t rolled up in the back of eyeball. Should I just go use the boys bathroom mirror, Y/N?
I prefer the Met Gala couch dress to this horrifyingly tacky and unflattering monstrosity.
Nana Finch said that if any of us allowed “Amazing Grace” to be played anywhere in her vicinity after her demise, she would come back and haunt us mercilessly. Why she hated such an innocent song I do not know, but none of us were going to make that mistake because Nana Finch always meant what she said.
You mean you haven’t heard about the WAR ON CHRISTIANITY??
You know what? As a gay person who’s been subjected to repeated legal discrimination—including being blocked from marrying my partner of over a decade until a couple of months ago, being subject to a ban on LGBT adoption, having to hire an attorney to draft POA and hospital visitation documents just so I could see my…
I’d like to remind everyone that this “Christian” who thinks marriage is so sacred she simply cannot issue a license to those heathenous gay people, has been married four times. Four.
Christianity is apparently like Choose Your Own Adventure. She can pick out the stuff she likes (hating gays, long denim skirts) and ignore the stuff she doesn’t (divorce is bad).
Oh, the Supreme Court? The Supreme Court that ruled that gay marriage was legal? That Supreme Court? Good luck with that, you ignorant fuck.
I still don’t understand how someone who has been married four times can say with a straight face that it undermines her religious beliefs to allow gay people to marry.
My family originates from Irish peasant stock, which contributes to a somewhat no-nonsense attitude to death. When I was about six, my grandfather died in Ireland. Far-flung sons, daughters and their families gathered for the funeral.
This is kinda triggering for me, bc we are almost at the 30-year mark. It’s probably not funny, or strange, but it will be cathartic to write.
When my son passed away, he was 14 months old and a friend had brought his young daughter up from KY for the funeral. It was late January and she had never seen snow so she started doing snow angels and playing in the snow at the cemetery. The other kids who were there were looking at their parents for the same…
After being dead for 18 years, my father in law still has a stalker.
So a week after I started this job, a guy who no longer worked at the publication I worked for died in a car accident. I never met him, and he was a copy editor so it wasn’t like I was familiar in any way with him through what he wrote.
But nevertheless, the EOC said everyone needed to go. So I went. And somehow the…
Hi, lawyer here (though admittedly not in CA). They have to sue the deceased because she’s the one who collided with them. They might sue Caitlyn too but ultimately she’ll probably be brought in as a third-party defendant by the insurance company of the deceased woman. If it makes you feel any better, the woman’s auto…
First sleep-away girl scout camp, a week long, and I went with a friend from school; we were one state away from home while our families stayed at a vacation cabin, so we only knew each other. It was in the woods but not insane, with lots of activities and swimming and crafts and horses, the whole deal. I loved it, my…