

OHHHHH!!!!!! But will it keep in my office? It is winter, I could put it outside on my window ledge....

Oh the boys get a list too! Keep clicking! You need to "be a real man" and stuff, so the rest of your comment is pretty much right on track!

It sounds VERY rapey, especially combined with his rantings about how women should dress so that they don't look like "objects" or "pieces of meat."

That's what I was always told in my evangelical Christian upbringing in Texas (actually not far from this school). We were ONLY supposed to be dating people we might marry, even when we were like 15. Preferably with no physical contact except maybe some hand-holding if we really just couldn't help ourselves.

Well at least it doesn't tell you to shut up! It's all fucked up. Regarding #3: having grown up as a teenager in Texas, in a very conservative evangelical Christian home/church, I actually prefer this version to the usual version, which is more along the lines of "girls it's up to you to be in charge of keeping the

Seriously. I mean, I keep an emergency stash of chocolate in my office but with crap like this I'm going to need to start buying the booze-infused chocolates or something.

I have no idea, especially since usually Christian dating advice is ALL ABOUT finding "The One" and how you basically should not even think about dating someone unless you think you might want to marry them, even if you're 15 years old.

Yes. "Shut up."

I'm guessing that verse is found in Shitimadeup 13:2, which is also where God says that women should just get in the kitchen and make men a sammich already. And something about chatty lesbians is probably in there too.

Holy crap. I re-did the quiz with the "right" answers and after congratulating me on how awesome and mysterious I am it linked me to this:


Hmmmm..... where in the Southwest? Nothing immediately comes to mind (though I like the prickly pear suggestion) but let me think about it.

It is indeed a Southern thing.


It is perfection in a crust, second only to the similar but slightly different custard pie (in the non-fruit pie category, which must be evaluated separately of course). Also since eggs, milk, and butter are the primary ingredients I consider it breakfast food. It is FANTASTIC with coffee.

Hahaha we totally do. It is really hard to keep our buttery/creamy things straight, but someone must take on this important duty!

It is, in fact DELICIOUS, and you should eat some RIGHT NOW!! It's been a staple in the south for ages. It is also pretty much the basis of the Momofuko Milk Bar Crack Pie that was/is all the the rage in NYC. This confused me when I first tried it, because everyone was going on and on about this "crack pie" like it

Chess pie, darlin'.

The only vegan cheeses that are worth eating are the nut/seed-based cheeses. NOM!!! But otherwise: bleck. I don't get the Daiya love at all.