
Hahaha, I was just going to say the same thing. I can't think of any better reason.

Well, there go my evening plans! It is ridiculous how much I love this movie.

Ha, yes. Fortunately that doesn't happen very often in my practice, mostly because A. I work in NY and NY has a mandatory generic law (pharmacies will automatically dispense the generic version of any medication unless the prescriber specifies the prescription be "dispensed as written", even if the brand name is

Yes, it is possible, and it is exactly what I (and many other providers) do.

I am a psychiatric nurse practitioner and have one patient who I previously diagnosed with PMDD (before it was added to DSM5). It is NOT regular PMS — her mood swings are very severe and debilitating and if she didn't clarify the time frame in which they occur she would meet diagnostic criteria for major depression.

I am a psychiatric nurse practitioner and have one patient who I previously diagnosed with PMDD (before it was added to DSM5). It is NOT regular PMS — her mood swings are very severe and debilitating and if she didn't clarify the time frame in which they occur she would meet diagnostic criteria for major depression.

Haha, good points. I mean I have a great group of friends here who are just starting to have babies, and I don't see them turning into crazy murderous "Baby Harvard or Bust!"-ers. Idk who will or won't actually stay in the city; many have already started the migration to the 'burbs, but we'll see how it goes I

Thanks for sharing your experience/perspective. I think the part of "living your own values" is what concerns me most, because MY values seems to be wildly out of touch with the values of those with the loudest voices around here. It's reassuring to be reminded that just because they may be the loudest voices doesn't

Thanks for sharing your experience. I grew up in in a suburb in Texas, so everything about raising a kid up here seems totally foreign to me. That said, my junior high and high school self hated suburbia and would have killed for the experience you're describing. I'd love for my kids to have that, without the crazy

Thanks for sharing your experience. I didn't grow up here, so it all feels extra foreign to me.

I'll have to check it out!

That sounds worse actually. NYC has decent public schools in some areas, but you only go to your "zoned" school for elementary and then for Jr High/High School it turns into this crazy lottery system I've yet to attempt to wrap my head around.

Ugh, yes. I despise commuting. I think that if we were to move out of NYC we would leave the Northeast altogether though. Neither of our families are here and we didn't grow up here, so if I'm going to live in the 'burbs it's going to be somewhere that I can afford to buy a house, not in NJ or LI.

Sounds like the right mindset and the right goal. I think my concern is less about what I want for my kid and more about what they see and are surrounded by that influences how they view what is important, both with regards to money/things and education (I am still floored by the mindset about "Harvard being the only

Yeah, I feel like kids will be the final straw that drive me out of NYC (in addition to cost and my family being so far away and the SO's job opportunities). But also I love the idea of them growing up with this diversity and the parks and museums, etc... I'm sure life will work itself out. I just read stuff like

Yeah, I feel like I will end up moving away, and that also makes me sad. I would love for my kids to grow up with the resources/museums/etc that NYC has to offer, but I am from Texas, my family is there, and I find the idea of parenting here to be really overwhelming.

AAAAANNNND this is why I have serious, serious concerns about trying to raise a kid in NYC. The parents here be batshit cray cray. It is such a different world from where I grew up. I want to give my kids great opportunities, but I am not murder fucking anyone and sending my 2 year old on interviews for Baby

I work next to Columbia and there are a lot of popped collars going on at my Starbucks in the morning.

OMG, yes. Between the government shutdown and an epidemic of anti-flu vaccine posts on my FB feed today I almost lost it. I texted a friend earlier that we need to start giving all these people haldol because a delusional disorder is the only rational explanation for this level of batshit insanity.