
Does any one have any handy links about the efficacy of vaccines, or other go-to rebuttals? I have a lot of anti-vaxers on my FB feed, some who mostly post "OMG, AUTISM" type things, but others who include articles that actually make more valid-ish sounding arguments about efficacy and safety. One of my childhood

I just saw this. :/ Also: they found two other unexploded devices which are currently being dismantled.

This just makes me so sad and so angry. Clearly it's too early to say who/what is responsible, but if this was deliberate it just makes me absolutely furious. It's the absolute antithesis of everything running is supposed to be about. :/

Good to know, thanks!

The author is vegan, so I'm guessing she is also aware of the suffering of food animals.

I just steal the pregnancy tests from work, otherwise I would probably stock up (or at least see how it compares to generic CVS brand pregnancy tests). I scare easily - even though I'm on the pill if I'm one day late I am usually all "ZOMG I MUST BE PREGNANT!!" I have never actually been pregnant.

LOVE. My mom was a twirler in college (in the 70's) and some of those uniforms in the top left image look a lot like some of her old sequin-tastic leotards.

I was initially surprised as well, but after thinking about it some more, I'm not. Wall Street and the huge legal sector are both notorious for having huge pay disparities.

Yes! Except slightly more of a dropped jaw at the end.

I wish there was a gif of my face just now, especially when I saw the batgirl shirt. What the ever-loving fuck???

Agreed on both counts. Though, hey, true colors and all that. And logic seems to only get you so far in political matters these days.

(Mobile posting issues, sorry for the double post!)

Well I for one think we should be thinking bigger— why not tie people's taxes credits and deductions to their children's school performance and attendance? Johnny isn't going to class regularly and making straight A's? No dependent deductible for you!! Or why stop there? Susie is failing math? Yeah we're gonna have

Aw. My cat generally only resorts to meowing once I gave failed to respond to head butting, poking, and hair pulling. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY YOU WILL NOT GET UP AND FEED ME I AM HUNGWY.

THANK YOU! Now I know exactly what to get for the placenta that already has everything!

My cat only meows like this when he is HUNGWY and also I AM HUNGWY AND WHY WON'T YOU FEEEED ME ALREADY?!?

OMG, the cats. I'm concerned enough about how my fur babies will deal with any future spawn (dear kitty babies, please do not eat/scratch/smother them). I can't imagine trying to keep them away from an actual organ for 10 days. ::shudder::

Hahahshahahahahahaha. You would *think* that would be true. However thou forget that:

While the slut-shaming infuriates me, I really Can. Not. STAND. for the completely anti-scientific LIES this woman is spewing. And the fact that public schools are allowing her to do so is even more rage-inducing.

Advil. Seltzer water. Chinese food - specifically chicken and broccoli. Good grease/carb/protein balance. I also second the Udon noodle soup suggestion. If my stomach is REALLY bad skip that, go with gingerale (NOT diet) and saltines.