
He seemed genuinely shocked that people knew he was one of the people in charge.

Is it me, or did the editors try to make us think that the crocodile was going to eat one of the swimming monkeys?

So much this! I don't understand how goats went from "Person you can definitely beat at Final Tribal" to "The most unpleasant person in the season."

I never knew I wanted a Barbie/Strawberry Shortcake buddy cop movie until I saw that picture and now it's all I can think about.

This season three idols have been played correctly. Is that a record?

Your logic is impeccable.

I feel like the producers are enjoying it too. I don't think there's been an individual reward where the winner could choose people to bring with them since Joe was voted out.

It evens out since Vermonters hate flatlanders.

Jon talked about that in his Ponderosa video. He seems to think Missy used his faith to trick him.

I think they tailor the hiding of the idols to the skill of the people playing.

In Vermont we get New York and New Hampshire ads on top of our own; and they are vicious this year.

That is what it says on Wikipedia. This season was supposed to have Redemption but it got changed to Exile late in the process.