
At this point I think she'd see any sibling as a good sibling.

I still like the Cersei-face suggestion. It would be like a two-for-one.

Well exactly. Not mentioning it at all forestalls any awkward questions about who did the resurrecting.

Does that make her Jon Snow's evil twin?

It makes one act like the victim of a person rather than the victim of their own desires

That thought makes me sad.

I hear you on the costuming. The explanation that makes the most sense to me is that Euron is a time traveler from Johnny Depp's entourage.

Yeah and Varys hasn't seemed particularly useful lately when it comes to intel from the red keep.

Cersei is pretty good at turning the tables on more honorable opponents. But she doesn't seem like someone who gets concerned about the city budget or stockpiling emergency supplies to forestall riots in times of famine. She wants to play politics, but she's never seemed interested in the actual, boring running of

I would guess that, in your average modern hospital, access to drugs is more strictly controlled than access to basic surgical implements, so I'm not entirely convinced by the "surgery on a cart" argument. Milk of the poppy is the good stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if the Maesters keep it locked away, just like their

Hopefully Sansa will keep Brienne at her side 24/7 while Jon is gone.

Yes. This. There are definitely preternaturally self-possessed child rulers in European history to see as examples. Edward VI of England, and I think Louis XIV when he first took the throne—in some medieval/early modern states rulers came of age in their early teens.

Others have already made this point, but really, no one came out of that scene looking smart. Jon let Baelish provoke him, but it's unclear what Baelish hoped to accomplish by creeping on Jon's stepmother and half-sister while standing right in front Ned's tomb. And I don't think the conversation served any purpose in

Four words: Too Big to Fail.

I thought S. credited her knowledge of Coady's location to a source who wasn't Delphine. And if that source isn't Delphine, the list of possible other dyadians is pretty small. Hence my thought that it was Ferdinand. But there may be someone else who is still alive who I've forgotten about. But I don't think Mark has

I doubt Mark knew that Coady was being held incommunicado in a mental hospital by Susan. My guess is that S.'s deep throat is Ferdinand.

They're probably all in a mass grave, what with Coady back in charge. RIP Mud!

Alasdair you been such a pleasure to read. Best of luck to wherever you're off to next!

This way lies madness. Utter madness.

Ah, Homicide…