
If Arthur Darvill were my vicar, I think I might just go to church.

Though mass production of blank brains through cloning would be a good way to go.

Vivian's death was so abrupt. And I keep expecting Liv and Clive to investigate!

I enjoyed this ep more than Carrie, but I do feel like there are way more threads than usual. Last season all roads led to Max Rager in a way that was really easy to trace. Everything may lead back to Fillmore-Graves this season, but the connections are really hazy. It feels like they maybe planned this plot for a 22

From the abomination of the Blaine-Peyton-Ravi love triangle to the BOTW, It feels like the scripts have really dropped in quality this season. Liv's pre-school teacher brain was cloying and nonsensical—we were treated to suspect after suspect sighing over the victim's great post-sex conversation skills, while

Apparently the NYT has been covering them since December, but since I didn't read the news from November to April, I didn't really catch it.

The great thing about this show is how its lens is both honest and compassionate in depicting those flaws.

Dammit, I was trying to ration my DWP episodes to a couple per day, but I broke down and watched the rest. Now I'm jonesing for another Alston review.

Alternately…it would be nice to see Jacqueline Troboni on a major network again.

Is it weird that I keep wanting to call Jughead "Pacey"?

Could the abortion have been for another pregnancy? Maybe young Alice was ultra-fertile.

No kidding. Once Fred told Hermione "See you at work, partner," his hours were clearly numbered.

I'm going to go on record and admit I fucking loved the fishpills. I found them ingenious and hilarious, from beginning to end.

The show needs to undergo a periodic fascism review. Superhero multiverses make forgetting civil liberties just too damn easy!

Exactly. As much as the old Blaine liked Peyton, there's no way he would have turned his business over to Don E, his inheritance over to his newly defrosted dad or exposed himself to further reprisals from Mr. Boss.

I honestly get why Ravi would sleep with Kat—he feels incredibly rejected and exposed after confessing to Peyton, and the sex is a sop to his wounded ego. It's the pretending that Kat's not there and making out with Peyton that is awful. And of course, the fact that Ravi is so fixated on his wounded ego rather than

Agreed. The episode in general felt a little insubstantial. I think the scenes with Angus and Don E are supposed to fill the void left by Max Rager, but I'm not feeling it yet. Angus's narcissism just comes off as unpleasantly malevolent. Whereas Vaughn du Clark was funny, smooth and malevolent. Vaughn's version of

It's definitely the stubble.

Oh Cal, I would so love to see him again…

I would love to see a different set of powers in the framework. Now that you brought that up, I'm going to be a little disappointed if she's Quake in the framework!