
I'm still amazed by how robotic Mallory has been able to seem while playing Aida. Watching her be the very human Agnes really makes the coldness and stillness of Aida's face and mannerisms stand out even more.

But Coulson did remember Daisy. By and large his memories were just a vague sense of wrongness, but he did finally know Daisy and called her by her right name. Unfortunately, I think that Coulson's ability to get there was a result of the TAHITI programming—and no one else in the framework has any memory modifications

Remember, Mace is in there, and his greatest desire is to be a hero and save inhumans. So I think the rebel faction there is an outgrowth of the framework's response to his greatest regret. And May will always need an enemy to fight against. Framework!S.H.I.E.L.D. is only a real problem now because Daisy and Jemma are

How is that possible!

"Their are" indeed.

This is a perfect review for one of the best series I've ever seen.

Exactly. I think this theory was bounced around here a couple seasons ago, maybe during Adalind's pregnancy.

Goodbye, sweet Shirtless Rage, Goodbye.

Yes, the accent was 'orrible! BUT the build-up to that gave us so many Shirtless Stigmata scenes, that I can't bring myself to fully hate that subplot.

Oh, god, that's def one of my favorites. Adalind's monologue at her mom's grave was hilarious.

That was unsettling, and conveyed how unhinged Nick really was.

So, my favorite part of the episode was the bit Renard ran after the Zerstorer and Diana, with this perfect "My daughter's taste in men in the WORST" look on his face.

It was def a shoestring-budget finale. They did what they could!

I agree. I just wish the fight choreography and staging had been a bit better. I wanted that grimm-on-grimm fight for the fate of the world to look a little more epic than it did.

I have to say that the solution of having all the killings happen in the mirror dimension

Thanks Les, for all the great reviews. And to all the other commenters. I haven't always been able to keep up this show, but this has been, hands down, my favorite AVC gang to hang with.

I watched through season 6, and wish I'd stopped earlier.

This is such a great episode!

You have to wonder what the results would have been if Norman had stayed in the hospital. Would Mother have ever agreed to integrate on nonviolent terms? Because this episode makes it look like Mother cares more about getting to act on her own violent urges than taking care of Norman. She began as a protective

And most painful of all watching him nearly fly apart in his struggle to
do the right thing with Marion, to save her life, to protect her from
what he realized was himself…and the immense relief that he was able
to do it, that what was still good in him prevailed.