
Yeah, I felt like she was underwhelming but mostly adequate. I think her weakest moments were in all the previous episode; she did a better job when she was playing off Freddie Highmore.

Thank you.

In Hollywood, probably. Anywhere else, no.

I love the therapist, I love those scenes, but I've wondered how realistic they are. I have a family member in an abusive marriage, and whenever you try to name the abuse she's describing as abuse, she immediately shuts down and ends the conversation or changes the subject. I've learned that if I want her to feel like

Sherlock’s been treading on Shinwell in ways most people in Sherlock’s
life tend to accept by now. (“You know I don’t like it when you do
this.” “Nobody does.”)

I just binge-watched this and I hate that I didn't spread it out. The puddle scene was fabulous. The show has such a detailed knowledge of its characters' hobbies and habits.

So sorry, Seabreeze. Such a hard choice to make.

I am so sorry about your dog. That really sucks. And I too, felt a little like celebrating after hearing that the ACA is still standing.

As long as they kept Amell shirtless, no one would have complained.

Oh, oh, I'm not even watching and I know the answer: Amelia!

Nothing like compounding bad decisions!

So what I'm taking away from these reviews is that Netflix should fire the current IF writers and hire the ones currently making Legends of Tomorrow—which excels at magical silliness.

Bernthal was great. If the narrative had been built solely around him, rather than the Evil Asian Mystic Hokum, it might have been watchable.

As vows of chastity so often are…

I think their budget was probably cut to the bone, and given the number of Wesen they needed to show in the mirrorverse, they did their best, which was…not great.

I think Renata has clear bullying tendencies. In the scene where she finds the bite mark on Amabelle, she blows up, lectures her daughter and turns what is no doubt an obviously stressful and scary experience for her kid into an even worse one, by making the issue all about herself. That said, she's not all bad

it feels like they're trying to stretch out these individual storylines to fit the confines of a 13 episode season.

Agreed. I love it, I think it's beautiful, I adore all the performances and I really enjoy the themes about memory, identity, connection, mental illness, etc. But it's also slow-paced in terms of plotting, and extremely trippy.

I liked this episode more than I expected, despite Madam Skype. I was so dreading the Nick-Julievette horse-flogging, that I was pleasantly surprised when it didn't consume the entire episode. And it was a surprisingly on-point conversation from Julievette's side. But I have to agree: it should have come a year ago.

I think it's possible that Amy didn't see King the dog because David's powers weren't strong enough as a child to physically manifest King in a way that made him visible to other people. But by the time David is an adult, he can manipulate the physical world enough to give his invisible friend/Shadow Queen a body.