
That argument scene between David and Syd was pretty amazing. Especially on Dan Stevens' part. He did that patronizing "Baby, but your symptoms" bit so perfectly.

In the alternate mental hospital Amy is "management" so…

I actually feel like the show does a much better job at viewing those Brakebills characters through a compassionate lens, which in turn makes them a lot more sympathetic than in the books—where they do come off as assholes. The show's choice to age them up helps too. Both the books and the show are a meditation on the

So the Speedforce needs to keep a speedster imprisoned within it at all times because…
…it gets lonely?
…it's powered by the tears of anguished speedsters?
…it spent 6 months building that whole new torture complex and, by god, somebody's gonna use it?


This is just me, but I feel like this show is incredibly upfront about the total lack of logic or scientific accuracy in its plots. Like, really, really, really upfront that "We're an incredibly silly show! Our time travel makes no sense! Our historical information comes from Wikipedia when we bother looking it up at

At this point, it feels like Madeleine’s only in the narrative to be as
winsome as humanly possible—she’s less a character than an Etsy listing

It wasn't clear to me that the hundjäger was dead, and Nick had little choice, since the hundjäger wouldn't stop attacking.

Here, it was incredibly egregious to leave a paralyzed Monroe all alone.

Yeah, it wasn't clear to me that the Hundjäger was dead.

Did anyone else watch the opening scene and think: "Why does Portland have a statue of Jamie Dornan?"

I too caught the "you've broken our most sacred lawS," emphasis on the plural. We've only got HR's word that inter-dimensional travel was his actual crime, and I felt like like the ep was definitely trying to suggest that HR is much shadier than than Team Flash thinks.

Marcus: There a…reason you've got a totem pole in your bathroom?
Sherlock: It's too big for the closet.

It was clueless of Dan to divert his eyes from the doctor, but I think he counting (wrongly) on his presence and authority as a police officer to deter her from rash actions. Which is the opposite of Dr. Carlisle's argument, that the surgeon only mutilated herself because there were people watching her.

Great review, LaToya. I just need to add that Kevin Alejandro's facial expressions in Douche-Dick interactions have really become a treat.

I so agree. Watching the first season, I'd never dreamed I would grow so fond of Dan or begin to enjoy Lauren German's performance. The show has really come together this season, in all its glorious ridiculousness.

I thought she might be pregnant, from the way they were filming her. And the fact that her face looked fuller.

This comment should get way more love!

Really nice observation

Me too. I like the new Wells, but I really miss Harry.