
Thanks for the great reviews. It was really nice and come here and enjoy the discussion.

Man, fanfiction was like the naked selfies of the '90's.

My only major criticism this week is not quite enough Maze.

The Kara/Alex stuff was so great. And the Mon El and Martian stuff was intriguing.

I really agree with you about Angela/Regan's name. If she largely continues to go by Angela, then I think calling her Regan in the reviews will be jarring. I also think insisting on calling her Regan is privileging the material/storyline/characters of the film over the those of the actual television show that we're

Me too.

I just found this, and it puts the Flash's machinations to shame. But I think it's weird I heard so little about the show. Did the CW promote this much? Maybe I just missed the trailers somehow.

And also, girl power.

BTW, great guest review, Joshua. You really articulated the problem with this season well.

If Shapiro is half as unpleasant as the show is this season, then I'm guessing there's probably not enough money in the world to entice Noxon to come back. Sadly.

Yep. I just discovered Killjoys and am replacing it with that. I'm sad, because the first season was so amazing. And I was so excited for this season to start. I'm also a little appalled, because of how badly the show is mishandling its attempt to deal with race.

Even for a show as meta as this one, I think it's a bad sign when at least a third of the comments on an episode are about the past and present showrunners. I wonder what the ratings have been like this season.

I really agree with this. We've spent so little time with the contestants, and we need to get to know them, because they are the moral center of the show. Caring about their goals and sympathizing with them when the show treats them badly is part of what made the show compelling. Last season I was rooting for Anna and

Without Noxon, it seems like the characterization is more shallow and the character arcs more incoherent. Chet's behavior and storyline, for instance, seem like something that would appeal to a reality show producer, who is looking for cheap shocks and laughs. But it doesn't work in a scripted show where viewers

Except for Bronn.

If you go back and watch the episode s, Olenna plants the poison on Sansa by giving her a necklace, Tyrion is set up to serve Joffrey the cup, and then I believe Little finger and Olenna also arrange for the couple to be denounced. Go back and watch. Poor Sansa actually thinks the Queen of Thorns is befriending her

I loathe her. But it is an enjoyable loathing.

RIP Pycelle, you pompous ass.

Her crown was new—not a Baratheon antler pattern.

Far as I'm concerned, you win the internet tonight.