
:( I feel your pain.

It's such a small moment, but Dany pinning the hand on Tyrion is such an incredible milestone. From being despised and hated by almost everyone, to being named First Minister by the most powerful Queen in Western Essos, a woman who counts him as not only as an adviser, but as a friend.

Ah. My point about the coronation taking time was to situate it in the timeline of the episode, as opposed to people who might assume it would happen just a few days after Tommen's death. And to address the fact that people assume that travel in this world takes forever, but wildly underestimate the time it takes to

Everyone complaining about teleporters is 1) not paying attention to how much time actually passed in this episode (a couple of months) and 2) has no sense of the distances involved and how actual travel in the time period worked.

I think you may have missed my point.

Yes. Me too.

For all the "teleporter" complaints, may I point you to the passage of time in the episode? For instance, over the course of this episode, news of the sept explosion in King's Landing manages to reach Highgarden. And afterwards, Lady Olenna manages to travel to Dorne. Then Varys sails from there to "Dragon's Bay."

Together they solve crimes!

There are so many possibilities for who should kill Cersei. I mean, I would love to see Sansa, Arya and Olenna stab her in succession. Then again, the sheer indignity of being killed by a Sand Snake might be fitting. But then I think death might be too good for Cersei, and the best fate would for her to be forced to

I just hope Arya stopped by the dungeon to let her uncle out of his cell.

I really, really enjoy Lady Olenna. But I've always felt she had something coming karmically for framing Sansa and Tyrion for murder. I just wish that something hadn't involved Margaery's murder.

Indeed. And a very grand table it was. With the full complement of spoons and forks.

And apparently the trip from Braavos to the Fingers doesn't look that long on the map. Or so other internet pundits have opined.

Lady Mormont: holy shit is that girl precocious. Is she too young to marry Jon?


Arya still seems too young to date to me.

Tough call, but I'm going with the pool cleaner as the best choice.

Indeed. That death was really satisfying.

Oops! Sorry!

Halfway through, I was so worried I had to get ice cream to face the rest of the episode. I never dreamed I'd be smiling at the very end.