
That wig is so freaking awful. It looks like it's made out of short, blond astroturf.

Anyone else looking forward to Arya kicking the playwright's ass?

It was all cunning on Gilly's part. Two minutes into that wretched meal, she told herself: "No way am I letting Sam leave me and junior here!"

I'm so looking forward to seeing him die.

Table-setting with some choppy pacing.

Actually, framed for treason and forced to go North, take the black and eat raw rabbit in the snow for the rest of his short life would totally work for me.

High Sparrow has positives and negatives.

Margaery took a short-term loss for long-term gain. Slaughtering that mob would have turned King's Landing even further against the crown than it already is. Taking down the High Sparrow by force will make him a martyr. The Lannisters need to co-opt, then discredit the HS, rather than kill him. And neither Cersei nor

I'm watching Sam's dinner with Gilly and his family right now, and honestly I'm more afraid for my heroes than I was watching "Hardhome."

The treatment Rachel's withholding from Charlotte isn't a cure for the clones' autoimmune disorder anymore than chemo is a cure for cancer. It's a treatment that may slow the progression of the illness. Everyone thought that the cure for the clones' genetic disorder lay in Kendall's genome, and with Kendall dead,

Yes. And no one complains about how quickly men fall for Sarah, but people find Cosima-Dephine implausible because of the short time they knew each other. Cosima is my favorite—she's brilliant, brave, funny and more emotionally mature than all the other clones put together.

True, though to be fair, I'm a straight woman and honestly I could see falling in love with Evelyne Brochu. She's pretty amazing.

I thought Felix's life-style was more indicative of how and with whom he grew up, than anything to do with his sexuality. Both Felix and Sarah ran cons, sold drugs and slept with men for money. But I take your larger point.

Susan wouldn't make it hackable. But Evie might if she knew the eye was going into Rachel's socket.

I'm beginning to wonder if Neolution isn't a supporter of social darwinism as well as eugenics. I'm trying to understand the incredible callousness of Susan Duncan and Evie Cho. When we saw the same behavior from Dyad, it seemed driven by the corporate logic of profit and ownership. Here it seems driven by—what?

Seriously, we need Helena back! It's time for Evie Cho to meet the Ukrainian clone.

I find the hosts nails-on-chalkboard annoying. I would like to hear the cast and crew talk about the episodes, but not enough to sit through that.

I feel like the reviews aren't terribly analytical—they come off as reactive and rarely dig into the show's larger questions and themes, so honestly I have really been missing Caroline Framke. I feel like there's a similar problem with the new newbie GoT reviewer—both Brandon and Lisa seem to view their job as

She's the clone club's secret nuke.

Yes. That would be common sense. Very little in the last few years of news coverage has suggested to me that the average urban police department possesses any of said sense.