
Yes. This is apparently pretty common when it comes to drug busts, and is more generally a result of the militarization of the U.S. police, begun during the "War on Drugs" and worsened by 9/11. There's a great sociological study on it, but I can't remember the author's name right now. Thing is, I'm not sure that

You're totally right. Eddie can't erase Thawne from the past by killing himself if Thawne is the causal reason that Eddie kills himself. Time Travel sucks.

FWIW, I think he only made decision after meeting the real Jay Garrick. Not to say that the episode wasn't generally a feast of illogic.

Are you kidding? I love badass Thea, but twerpy, bratty Thea was hilarious. Willa Holland gave great Paris Hilton.

Please write this AU fanfic.

The non-Cisco elements did get worse. But Cisco also massively improved.

In season 1, I felt like Iris was too flaky and boring and, well, incesty for Barry. I realized watching the season 2 finale that I'm currently feeling the opposite: strong, decisive Iris is too good for Barry.

Enthusiastically upvoted for "neener neener."

I think the show wants us to draw a connection between Fusco and the Max, the conspiracy-theory radio host. Finch is becoming unable to accept human free will if it conflicts with his goal to keep individuals safe. Max was determined to try and get his message out, even if he was risking his life in the process. Finch

I think the 3eR somehow had the power to keep Bran in the past and was holding him there. But maybe not.

Leaf's self-sacrifice made more sense to me, given the reveal.

Well, you met Balon. Maybe the palpable relief at no longer having to follow the guy overrode their feelings about the taboo.

Sansa agreed to the Ramsey marriage because she was so infatuated with Littlefinger. I feel like Littlefinger was making a gamble—that her treatment at Ramsey's hand would make her broken, weak and grateful to be rescued. Trauma affects different people in different ways. Ramsey wound up bringing out the Stark in

I remember it being said in the show that the red woman cured Shireen, which is how Shireen's mother came to be such a fervent convert.

Ramsey marrying Sansa broke some sub-clause in the Bolton-Lannister agreement. Littlefinger did it so he could then tattle on the Ramseys to the crown, and get Lannister approval to take Winterfell for himself. I think this may have been the moment where he miscalculated. The Lannisters are so weak right now, their

Where are they going to get wood on those crappy islands? Never mind that, they need to discover the New World. Or barring that, they need to become merchants. That's what small naval powered countries did in the late middle ages, and typically they made excellent money doing it. The Greyjoy's get an F in medieval

It's a cool explanation, but have we seen Bran warg another person?

The moment Wylis became Hodor was important enough to me on its own.


Maybe Nymeria has defected to the Boltons.