
I bet people have seized thrones with thinner ones. Henry VII of England, anyone? Mortality really messed with lines of succession back in the day, and given the depth of intermarriage, I would bet she shares at least one ancestor with the Arryns, if not more.

So does Sansa feel a lot like Ned lately, with her unwillingness to ally with an enemy and her truisms about the people of the North? Don't get me wrong, I loved her dressing-down of Littlefinger. And she was probably right to reject his help. I just don't want to lose her down the line.

Actually, I didn't mind the whole lecture on class (though I could see why others wouldn't). That servants are in some ways inherently faceless "no ones" as part of the mechanics of medieval class relations was a connection I hadn't made on my own. I just wish I had seen some sign that Arya had made the connection as

Arya can't leave until she beats the waif. As long as that sour, smug bitch owns Arya's ass, she can't leave. I have endured too much of the waif to settle for anything other than Arya administering an epic beatdown. Which, knowing this show, probably means it isn't going to happen.

you no longer have the will to do anything but what you're told

The forest-child with the grenade didn't buy them much more.

I think he was still in contact with the past because 3ER was keeping him there.

Thanks for pointing that out—it was definitely clear to me that he was lucid and able to an extent to hold a conversation by responding with facial expressions and the tone of his voice.

His irresponsibility definitely got all those people and his wolf killed. He killed people he loved with his recklessness. I'll definitely be disappointed if we don't see Bran have a moment of recognizing his guilt.

It can be two things.

I'm pretty sure the Raven did it. Why would Bran travel to that moment in the past when he and his companions are about to run for their lives? He wouldn't. Is it likely that Bran would choose to stay in the past on his own after warging into Hodor in the present in a moment of immediate crisis? I don't think it is.

The show has already shown in the Tower of Joy scene that Bran's presence can have an impact in the past. In this scene, it seems as if Bran's presence in the past created a magical link between Wylis in the past and warged Hodor in the present. That the link was too much for young Wylis's brain to handle, causing a

Given the ritual Adalind underwent while pregnant with Diana, I'm guessing Diana's immune to Grimm blood. But here's hoping, if it comes to that.

Speaking of Rosalee and Adalind, I just realized that Adalind-Juliette-Nick isn't the only triangle we might see next season. There's also the Adalind-Juliette-Rosalee friend triangle. I mean, hopefully they can all be friends. I'll really hate it if Rosalee dumps Adalind for Juliette!

Which is why Trubel needs to get a hot, nerdy girlfriend who can Willow all that book info into a handy smartphone app.

I love Bex, but I'd like to see Trubel hook up with someone less similar to her. Someone girlier, maybe? Or nerdy. Or—ooh—girly and nerdy!

Maybe they didn't know it existed? Hmmm, indeed.

Hey, the Power of Shirtlessness is potent. Do not underestimate the Power of Shirtlessness.

I would so read this fanfic series.

Actually, it felt really natural to me that Diana would use toys to act out the things she wanted, and discover along the way that she had the ability to make those things really happen when she did so. She was not reciting spells or brewing potions or performing complex rituals. Her magic spells were just an