
I think she has the intellectual capacity of an 8-10 year old, but the life-experience of a toddler. So when it comes to education, morals, understanding or regulating emotions, negotiating human relationships, etc., she would be presumably behind other kids her size? But who really knows?

Hey! Good data is hard to find!


We're all voting for the kid to woge more like Rosalee, right? Fuchsbau are so much cuter!

One more thought: I was expecting Diana to be evil, a Joffrey-esque child sociopath. I like what they did with her tonight so much more, making her a kid who feels love and attachment and wants to protect her mother, even as she does monstrous things to get what she wants.

Nice call!

It's a fair point. But I just love the visual we get with beheadings. What can I say? I saw the movie Highlander at a very impressionable age.

Les, thanks for another season of great reviews!

I do have a tiny nit to pick with that scene. I really wanted Nick to behead the Wesen cop from behind, rather than axe him in the gut. I just felt like the one thing the action scenes needed tonight was more beheadings.

The Stick of Destiny: Better than Kevlar.

Agreed. "Don't use your child to kill people" seems Parenting 101ish to me.

We all knew Nick was going to regret having that skylight.

Now that you mention it, Portland did seem to take a zombie horde in stride.

Citywide mind-wipe? Yikes!

She also showed some thoughtfulness and compassion towards Eve/Juliette. Which I admired on Trubel's behalf, however much I loathe the plotline.

We can't have two pregnancies next season. We just can't.

What explanation do you think they're going to go with? Unknown terrorist organization?

Carrying a machete everywhere may be its own kind of birth control.

You're right. But man, it just got lost in the deluge. Especially with Renard delivering so many deadpan one-liners.

It's a little weird that Giuntoli and Tulloch are together, given how little screen chemistry they have.