
HW needs to recruit Bud as a resistance organizer. No—seriously—hear me out! Black Claw is all great and swell for flashy violent carnivore Wesen, but what about the Eisbibers, the Bauerschweins, the Willaharas and the churchy sheep-people whose name I don't remember? For them, all BC means is that the Wesen bullies

Upvoted for "Grimmblr."

A differently vibrating Harry every season!

The potatoheads are not inhumans. They're humans who have been exposed to a cocktail of Kree blood, terrigen and the hive parasite. So their mutation isn't part of the Inhuman's providential evolutionary process—it's a science experiment that seems to effect all human DNA in the same creepy way.

This is so right; thanks for pointing it out.

I think that's right, too. The look in his eyes at that moment seemed self-aware to me. He knows one of them did it, and in his mind, it doesn't matter who, because (to him) they're too enmeshed to survive apart.

I think the previous seasons are on Netflix. It's very bingeable and so worth it.

Agreed, thanks, Alex, for the perfect review.

My take is that Norma/n kills women that Norman is attracted to, because Norma/n perceives that attraction as a threat to Norman's "monogamous" relationship with his mother. Of course, what Norma/n is protecting is not Norman's real relationship with Norma, but rather Norma/n's own existence as separate personality.

I know she's just a fictional character, but, god. I haven't been watching for the last three weeks, because I just dreaded this so much. But then I clicked on the review tonight and read Alex's first line, and well, knowing when it was coming made it easier to watch.

This comment deserves more love. In my opinion.

Great review, Genevieve!

A girl must provide exposition.


I still have hope for some dragon-spooning.

Amen. We're at psychopath fatigue, here.

Too soon, man.

Watching Tommen get out-talked by the High Sparrow was painful. Poor kid.

I know. And if they're not using her, GoT should give her back to Elementary.

In place of Direwolves, each Karstark child has their own Siamese cat.